Saturday, August 9, 2008

If a truck cuts you off and road rage strikes...

Yeah, just kick the drivers truck where it hurts the most.  That is, between the back tires!  Do people only dangle these in Oklahoma?  


Melisa said...

I think some place just made them illegal if my brain is remembering right...

That is pretty far west in CO. Awesome. I grew up in northern NM, so we'd drive up through CO multiple times a year to go to UT. After I graduated, it only made sense to go there and I ended up in the Springs. That is where I met Brad for the first time. :)

Jenn said...

HAHAHA, I hope it's not just Oklahoma, if so, I'm quite embarrassed for our fair state. Melisa's right, I think it was somewhere east...or west...(yeah, that pretty much covers it).