Sunday, October 26, 2008

Should life be fair?

What do you think of our first amendment getting it's second wave of attacks? Democrats hate talk radio. Why? Because it gives the right wing side of view from all the liberal crap we get shoved down our throats by the mainstream media. How dare they give the other point of view! Follow this link. Life should be fair Wow, I can't believe there are people out there who want this!


Brad Hart said...

You'll probably hate me for this, but I LOATHE talk radio. With that said, I think it would be wrong to restrict the idiots on radio. The 1st Amendment should apply to everyone...even talk radio "shock jocks."

Now, on to my reasons for hating talk radio...

1.) Talk radio is just glorified entertainment. There is ABSOLUTELY NO critical thinking involved in it. Talk radio simply tries to invoke an emotional response from their target audience, which equates into RATINGS. That is all talk radio is really worried about to begin with.

2.) Talk radio creates a culture where listeners simply regurgitate what they have heard instead of actually coming to their own conclusion and thinking for themselves.

3.) Talk radio creates an antagonistic, "Us v. Them" attitude of partisan politics. Allegiance is given TO A PARTY instead of to a nation...a problem George Washington warned would hasten the fall of the republic.

4.) Talk radio flies in the face of ACTUAL outlets of truth. For example, I have heard NUMEROUS friends of mine tell me how right Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh are, even when what they say flies DIRECTLY in the face of our founding fathers. In essence, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc. have replaced Jefferson, Lincoln, etc. as being the "protectors" of all that is just and patriotic. This is a VERY SCARY reality in my opinion.

Now, in fairness, Richard is 100% right when he mentions how the majority of television media is liberal. Of this you will get no quarrel from me. However, this does not justify the RIDICULOUS nature of talk radio (on the part of both Dems and Repubs.

In the end, talk radio is just hyped-up, emotionally charged entertainment.

***Challenge to all: Turn off the radio dial in the car. I bet you won’t find yourself getting so angry over politics. And if you still need a politics “fix” turn to the founding fathers. My guess is that they knew a WHOLE LOT MORE than Hannity to begin with.***

Brad Hart said...

BTW, since so many people have such a passionate interest in politics, I thought it might be fun to create a communal blog, where everyone can comment and post to their heart's content. If you would like to join let me know.

The blog is:

Jenn said...

Brad, people are emotional and most decisions are made by an emotional response, whether it is sexual, anger, joy, it's all there. Mainstream media is equally guilty on all points.

I happen to be one who does a little research, even if it because it was brought to my attention on talk radio, or the news for that matter and yes, because it elicits an emotional response. As Boortz says-

"Don't believe anything you read on this web page, or, for that matter, anything you hear on The Neal Boortz Show, unless it is consistent with what you already know to be true, or unless you have taken the time to research the matter to prove its accuracy to your satisfaction. This is known as "doing your homework.""

As to our foreseen loss of speech, it's going to happen and with not too much resistance. I haven't been able to find many republican or libertarians that support the fairness doctrine. However, I also understand the Obama is against the doctrine. Interesting.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Where there is a good, there is a bad.
Where there is a Right, there is a Left.
Where there is a black, there is a white.
There must be opposition in all things. Imagine if there were no opposition, life would be very boring. Where there is liberal television, there needs to be an opposition due to the boring nature of the constant monotone barrage of Tom Brokof's voice. So, thank heavens for Talk radio to make politics actually interesting and point out some of the pertinent issues of our day.

Pertinent like the "fairness doctrine". Who knew that there were democrats constantly concocting ways to destroy our amendments?

Though I don't agree with all of their points. That’s the beauty of hearing "the other side" of the stories of our day.

Thank heavens for those blasted entertaining patriotic talk show hosts.

In addition, you can click on the link I have placed titled “life should be fair”. I heard it on talk radio, but I found this article to back up what they have been talking about.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Oh, I mean Tom Brokaw.

Brad Hart said...

OOOh...I stumbled upon a whole host of loyal talk radio fans!

Here is the bottom line when it comes to talk radio (or any media for that matter):

All media is biased. I don't say this to knock the various media outlets, but instead to state a fact. ALL MEDIA IS BIASED, and there is nothing wrong with it. It isn't good, bad, right or wrong. It just is.

Too many people today complain about the LIBERAL media as if this is some kind of a new phenomenon. Liberal and conservative media is as old as media itself. I can show you literally hundreds of colonial newspapers that were either pro-Britain or pro-America. I can also show you hundreds of media sources that were pro-North and pro-South during the Civil War. My point is that there is NOTHING new when it comes to media bias. In fact, we need to quit thinking of the word "bias" in a negative way. We ALL have it and there is nothing wrong with it. Here is another word for bias: PERSPECTIVE.

This is why I have to laugh whenever I hear Hannity, Limbaugh, etc. rip on the LIBERAL MEDIA for its BIAS! As if Hannity, Limbaugh, etc. are somehow objective journalists!!! Why can't we just admit that there are pro-liberal and pro-conservative media outlets and that there is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Let people listen to whatever they want. One particular media outlet is not inherently more objective, patriotic or superior to the just provides a different perspective and nothing more.

What I don't like is the blatant partisanship of talk radio and the "blame game" that is constantly played. For me its nothing more than a 3 hour political commercial.

Now, as for talk radio...

Jennerator states the following:

"people are emotional and most decisions are made by an emotional response, whether it is sexual, anger, joy, it's all there."

Jennerator, I sincerely hope that you don't believe that making decisions based on emotion is a good thing. Yes, people are emotional, but that doesn't mean that cooler heads shouldn’t prevail. Acting out on an emotional response is potentially dangerous.

BTW, I like your spelling of "Brokof," Richard. It almost sound Russian!!! =)

InWeighOverMyHead said...

I hate talk radio. :) I look up facts on-line, go to websites, etc. I just can't stand listening to somone who WILL NOT be open to seeing another view. My husbands loves it. He likes to hear what people are really thinking and thy m moreopen to saying things on the radio they wuld not dare say to someone's face.

Jenn said...

Of course I don't think basing decisions on emotions is a good thing (and I very rarely do it, unless my kids are driving my nuts, then I yell at them and send them to their room)!! I was merely pointing out that the majority of decisions made by the majority of people is emotionally based...and I wish that wasn't the case.