Saturday, November 15, 2008

So long to Pepsi Co.

As if they needed any more support!  All they need to do is be a normal person in the workplace!  Work hard, and keep your mouth shut in regards to your personal life.  So long Sierra Mist, say hello to Sprite!  Which really is too bad since I started to like S.M.

"Pepsi has given Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) a half-million dollars to help push the homosexual agenda in the workplace.

Pepsi has a long tradition of financial support for homosexual groups. According to Jacqueline Millan, director of PepsiCo Corporate Contributions, "We are delighted to continue our partnership with PFLAG...(in) promoting the necessary message of inclusion to untapped groups...and that is a crucial step toward building a healthy working environment."

Despite the fact that 30 states have passed constitutional amendments defining marriage as being between a man and a woman, Pepsi continues to support the efforts by same-sex groups pushing for homosexual marriage."


Jenn said...

That means Mug Rootbeer (my favorite), Aquafina (although I don't drink it, so I don't care about that one), Dole, Ocean Spray, SoBe, Tropicana, all of the Frito Lays chips (Doritos, Cheetos, etc.), Gatorade, Quaker (as in oats and cereal), Mother's cookies, and probably many more...

That really stinks!!!!!!!

Debbie said...

Alright we all know I'm not that eloquent but here I go. So they gave money to a cause I don't support but I bet if you look a the majority of companies out in the world, they are supporting causes that I don't support. So I believe in standing up for my beliefs and letting my voice be heard but really, if I, as an indiviual stopped supporting every company that donated money to causes that went against my beliefs then I would not buy anything. Sure in a case such as this I won't be buying Pepsi products like I'll go for Sprite instead of Sierra Mist but really I'm not going to do much else about it. Sorry.

Jenn said...

Oh that's ok Debbie, now we know how dedicated you are...

Debbie said...

Amen to Sarah.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Ahh, very good points. Blah blah blah eloquent blah blah. Deb, you are very eloquent.

I guess Jennerator can picket with me. :) Okay, in truth, the hospital soda machine only has sierra mist and such. I just can't resist those empty calories.

Sarah, good point, a letter is an excelent tool/weapon. After all, "the pen is mightier than the sword".

Brad Hart said...

Yep, bye bye Pepsi!!!