Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oil Crisis

Thank all four of you who voted for the "what would you have our leaders do in regards to our oil crisis?" poll.  The results are as follows...
1- for Start drilling on our soil so we can become independent
0- for Start amping up our wind, solar, and hydrogen production technologies
1- for  both of the above
2- for  None of the above, who cares about the economy, lets convert to Socialism
Very funny on the bottom two.  I'm glad you have a sense of humor. :)


Debbie said...

It wasn't me.

Jenn said...

Yeah, you don't joke about that...


Brad Hart said...

Well, I have to admit that I was one of the votes. I'm not for socialism but I am for messing with any and all of my liberal/conservative friends! =)

But yes, on this issue the Repubs are right. We should start drilling for our own oil.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Brad, you're a funny dude! :)