Sunday, August 31, 2008

Poll results

Well, here it is.  I had an outpouring of votes and now it's time to throw down 
the results.  By the way, I didn't vote on the matter
Would you donate your body to science if you knew I would be dissecting it for my anatomy course?
35% of you voted Yes
56% of you voted No.
9% of you actually wanted to dissect your own body. :)Thanks Kyle for that fun bit of info.


Jenn said...

I really don't mind seeing other people worked on (surgically)...but usually they are alive and will be after they are cut open. I guess I just don't want to see my own body (weird Kyle, not that I know you, but still...), and am still debating your poll question, even though I voted NO!

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Working on live people makes me queasy. Okay, I lie. Working on someone who was dead and I knew them? Very disturbing for me. Thank you all who were okay with it but I would be scarred for life. But, I'm with Kyle about seeing myself surgerized. I would love to watch my own surgery.

Jenn said...

You guys are weird...but I already knew that ;)