In the news...
Here in Oklahoma, it was announced a few weeks ago that a new record of applicants for food stamps has been reached. The number? 440,000 After the announcement was made, the announcer went on to say that America has reached a new height in the obesity epidemic.
In part I thought how funny to make a comment like "food stamps" and then "obesity epidemic" back to back. Well, it makes sense. So, I raise the question... Should we keep feeding a people for free when all they want to do is make themselves obese and then have all the health problems which it brings? With it being so destructive to their health, should those people be eligible for government assisted health insurance?
Or is it the case that those whom can afford food eat like kings, and it's the poor who suffer? Have we become such a polarized society? I tend to think not.
Sign me up!!! Brock needs some fattening up!
Hey Rich:
Just wanted to let you know that I have changed the address to my personal blog. It is now:
See ya!
That's a tough one. Because, like you said, these obese people tend to have more medical problems and if you are on food stamps, you most likely qualify for medicaid. darn cycle!
Interesting. I was under the impression that food stamps were pretty specific on the kinds of foods you could buy. (in other words, healthy foods...not junk)
I did chuckle a little. I've never put those two things together before.
I don't know all the stipulations, but I don't think food stamps regulate everything. I think they don't care about quantity either. The big problem with obesity is big calories in, and not many out. Lets face it, exercise is very hard to accomplish on a day to day, or even 3 times a week basis.
Yeah, excercise is really hard to accomplish...if you work or stay at home with three kids. How about those on food stamps? Most likely they're not working.
Good point. And I second the exercise thing...though I am adding "cold weather" to the list of reasons exercise is hard to do.
Winter be gone!!
Amen Maureen
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