Friday, August 7, 2009

Greedy little blood suckers

And no, I'm not talking about phlebotomists or mosquitos...although the latter is very descriptive of them. Yes, I'm talking about all those thoughtless and careless governmental officials who passed the stimulus package without thought of recompense.  So, what do they do?  They see an opportunity to infringe on our freedoms once again, and jump on it!  What?  Something we haven't taxed yet?  Are we idiots?  Lets suck the nation dry!  


You see, this is the problem I had with the tobacco tax.  Yes, people need to stop smoking, it causes severe problems.  But it is a perfectly legitimate and legal company.  People are free to make crappy decisions, whether well informed or not.  Let me tell you, everyone who smokes knows it's not good.  They aren't well informed, but informed none the less.  Especially when it comes to exposing their kids to second hand smoke...okay, I'm getting riled and heading off subject here.  So I ask, what are they going to tax next?  Soda pop (fat tax), the air (carbon tax), etc.?  What the devil!?!  They are running out of things to tax, so, they jump on those who want to pay out of pocket to look better. 

So, lets think about the cascade of events logic...Ut oh, beware, here comes some common sense.  And boy has it been lost in my generation and below.  So, you tax the wealthy, so they stop getting as many procedures.  Now there is the surgeon who owns a surgery center, creating 20 plus jobs directly for people in the community, and countless others through maintenance personnel, financial personnel, etc.  So, what happens when the hard working Americans get tax punishment for overachievement?  The cost gets passed on to you.  Always!  Do you feel Taxed Enough Already?  

Plastic Surgery Tax Eyed As Revenue Raiser

Face-lifts, tummy tucks and hair transplants could be hit with a new tax to help finance the trillion-dollar healthcare overhaul plan, according to sources familiar with the Senate talks.

The Senate Finance Committee has discussed imposing a 10 percent excise tax on cosmetic surgery deemed unnecessary for medical purposes. The idea was broached in a meeting with OMB Director Orszag in mid-July, after which Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus told reporters he had heard some "interesting," "creative," and "kind of fun" ideas.

The tax, which has not been officially scored, would plug some of the revenue gap senators are seeking to fill to keep on schedule for a markup the week of Aug. 3. It would target procedures prohibited under Section 213 of the tax code, which deals with itemized deductions for medical expenses not covered by health insurance.


Deb's Big Hunk said...

Update...It passed a few days after the article was written.

Jenn said...

Fantastic. I'm so thrilled that they are coming up with "interesting", "creative" and "kind of fun" ways of taxing the crap out of us. Oh wait, there are sewer taxes....

TUsulli said...

In case they run out of ideas, here's more stuff they can tax:
blogs, failing to keep tires at the right pressure (remember the genius on his campaign trail - tire pressure will save the world!), plastic bags at the supermarket, watching fox news, using turbo tax, falling leaves, watering your lawn, crest whitening strips, having an elevated heart rate (cause then you're hogging all the good air).
Maybe I shouldn't have written all this down - you just know some idiot in Washington is going to get wind of this and think it's a good idea....

Deb's Big Hunk said...

wahhhahahaha. Good point. I didn't think of the elevated heart rate...that is pretty close to the carbon tax anyway.