Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Who is Santa Claus?

Poll results are in!
Okay here is the break down...
Who is Santa Claus?
A big fat guy in a red suit who's paid a lot of money to tell your kids what they want to hear 
-hmmm, this would have been my guess, but I guess it's time to grow up. 0/0
A Christmas icon
-2/9 votes here.  I should have allowed multiple voting.
  2 (22%)
The representative spirit of giving
-Now 6/9 chose this one.  My mature portion of me says your right on the money here.
 6 (66%)
- Votes 1/9...Uh, what did i miss here?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Get out of San Fran before it falls into the Sea!!!

Well, now Mr. Bit hot shot Attorney General of California decided to have some "deeper probing and  inner reflection into the Constitution".  Instead of fighting for the majority vote, he thinks the minorities really need to be seen as the victims here.  Personally, he needs to be run out on a rail.  But, I'm sure he's very much loved by the gay community. Is anyone else as sick as I am of hearing of those fighting for the minorities of this country?  
By the way, have I ever told you how tough it is for a white, middle of the road guy to catch a break anymore?  If I only had some Cherokee, or african american, or some latin blood in me!  But then again, I wouldn't know what to do with so much scholarship money being thrown at me.  
Lately in the press...

SAN FRANCISCO - California's attorney general has changed his position on the state's new same-sex marriage ban and is now joining forces with homosexual activists to overturn the results of Proposition 8.


In a dramatic reversal, Attorney General Jerry Brown filed a legal brief saying the measure that amended the California Constitution to limit marriage to a man and a woman is itself unconstitutional because it deprives a minority group of a fundamental right. Earlier, Brown had said he would defend the ballot measure against legal challenges from gay marriage supporters.


But Brown said he reached a different conclusion "upon further reflection and a deeper probing into all the aspects of our Constitution.


"It became evident that the Article 1 provision guaranteeing basic liberty, which includes the right to marry, took precedence over the initiative," he said in an interview Friday night. "Based on my duty to defend the law and the entire Constitution, I concluded the court should protect the right to marry even in the face of the 52 percent vote."...

The whole article here

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Talk about a foot in the head!

Did anyone else see this?!?  A good buddy of mine who's doing his residency in Colorado Springs sent me this news story.  Then I saw it in the news that same night.  

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Okay, medical time...

Don't forget to get your influenza vaccines!  The new guidelines have been sent out.  Ages 5-18 need to get their vaccines starting in September or as soon as the vaccine becomes available.  If you or your loved one is experiencing flue like symptoms... fever, chills, vomiting, night sweats, body aches (malaise)... then get to your doctor or the ER.  Tamiflu is still effective against the darn little virus.  It shortens the course if you start taking it within 48 hours.
Later Skaters

For the locals

Another comic I happened to run across about our current situation...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

In leu of recent comments... a joke with a true punch line.

Here is a Joke sent to me with a special insight on the type of people certain political parties attract...  
Jesus and a Special Episode in a Restaurant


A Republican in a wheelchair entered a restaurant one afternoon and asked the waitress for a cup of coffee.  The Republican looked across the restaurant and asked, "Is that Jesus sitting over there?" 


The waitress nodded "yes," so the Republican requested that she give Jesus a cup of coffee, on him.


The next patron to come in was a Libertarian with a hunched back.  He shuffled over to a booth, painfully sat down and asked the waitress for a cup of hot tea.  He also glanced across the restaurant and asked, "Is that Jesus over there?" 


The waitress nodded, so the Libertarian asked her to give Jesus a cup of hot tea, "My treat."


The third patron to come into the restaurant was a Democrat on crutches.  He hobbled over to a booth, sat down and hollered, "Hey there, honey!  How's about gettin' me a cold glass of Miller Light?"  He, too, looked across the restaurant and asked, "Is that God's boy over there?"  The waitress nodded once more, so the Democrat directed her to give Jesus a cold glass of beer.  "On my bill," he said.


As Jesus got up to leave, he passed by the Republican, touched him and said, "For your kindness, you are healed."  The Republican felt the strength come back into his legs, got up and danced a jig out the door.


Jesus then passed by the Libertarian, touched him and said, "For your kindness, you are healed."  The Libertarian felt his back straightening up, so he raised his hands, praised the Lord and did a series of back flips out the door.


Then Jesus walked towards the Democrat.  The Democrat jumped up and yelled, "Don't touch me.  I'm collecting disability."

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

And you thought it was bad under G.W. Bush

Here comes the CHANGE people...

I love immigrants.  Heaven knows we all came from them.  However, times have changed.  They come over to work from the tierra madre, send back all their earnings, and in the mean while, abuse any governmental system possible without a thought to the rest of us.  Who pays for it? Yes, YOU do!  

Now, if I was in their shoes, I would probably do the same exact thing, therefore I can't blame them.  Having that said, we need to realize that they need guidance and process.  Looking at the bigger picture is essential.  Why you ask?  The government not only spends millions on teaching their children how to speak English, but billions in housing, food, and economy problems.  Economy?  Yes, lets mention the hospitals.  It is federal law as of 1986, that ALL hospitals whom supply Medicare patients (essentially all of them) have an open door approach to their Emergency Departments.  That means no one can be turned away.  Theoretically and ethically this makes sense.  However, like any mandate, it can be abused.  In California, the illegal immigrants use the ED as a clinic.  Sure, they are sent a bill for the huge cost of time and overhead to provide such amazing service topped by no other country in the world.  But do they pay it?  Heck no!  So, that's why you have hospitals in L.A. and surrounding areas suffering big time.  

Here is a good article which articulates some of the facts...

Illegals sink hospitals with you in them


In our case here at OSU Medical Center, we serve the indigent care.  There aren't many illegals due to recently enacted laws which scared them out of the state, but if our hospital closed and you sent those people with stuffy noses to other ED's around town, then... YOU suffer.  How?  Well, lets put it this way...you break your arm and go to a hospital which had a 4-6 hour wait.  Your thinking, man, my arm really hurts bad, but I'm not gonna die.  Well, neither is that snotty kid two chairs over with a fever.  Then, tag on two more hours because OSU closed down and there are tons of kids with fevers all around you.  Then they let the snot nose fever kid go first.  You faint a few times due to the pain, catch the flu while your there, THEN you're seen.  You see, it never seems all too bad unless YOU are affected, or know how closely you can be affected.  


I had a case not too long ago working up in a small town ER.  I had the rooms full with people in the lobby, it was shift change, I was working up TWO heart attacks, and an ATV wreck where the kid practically scalped himself on the gravel road.  I get two angry parents who call the administrator, who then calls me because they had to wait in the lobby for more than a half hour for their fever laden infant to be seen and given Ibuprofen.  I had to stop what I was doing, and go firmly explain the circumstances to these naive parents.  After two hours of overtime, washing gravel out of this kids head and putting the jig-saw puzzle of a scalp back together, I realize how easy it is to put a little more stress on the hospital systems and for care to become compromised for those whom so desperately need it.



"Barack Obama is setting up his administration to be the most radical, pro-amnesty presidency in history.


He just announced that Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano will be his new Director of Homeland Security. Napolitano has been a vocal opponent of the border fence.

This came on the heels of Obama’s appointment of Cecelia Munoz, a high-ranking La Raza executive, to a key post. Munoz has been in charge of La Raza's legislative and lobbying efforts.  She will now be Obama’s Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and will serve as the chief administration liaison with state and local governments.

Munoz headed La Raza's campaign to give driver's licenses to illegals and pass the amnesty bill, the DREAM Act and the AgJOBS amnesty. The message is clear... 

          The Obama administration is now on a fast track to pass an amnesty bill while stopping or even reversing the border fence and other efforts to stop illegal immigration." 

Speaking of "change"... does change mean re-appointing the Clintons to high positions of power?  Yes, I said "Clinton's" with an "s".  Where one goes, the other follows.  There never is just one hyena found around a dead carcass.

The first thing I notice...

So, when you look at this picture without reading the words, what comes to your mind?
When I first saw the picture hanging up above the entry way of our hospital, I did a double take.  Maybe because I was used to Deb breast feeding Chase.  I still chuckle as I come to work every morning.   I think the title of it should be..."OSU, we nurse our patients back to life".  

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Casualties of the war will continue to amount

A grass roots email sent to me...

Gays launch hate attack against Mormons because of their support for traditional marriage

Thank the LDS church for its support of Proposition 8

Dear Richard,

Homosexual activists have launched a hate campaign against the Mormons because of the church's support for Proposition 8 in California. Prop 8 defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. Here are some examples of how gays are targeting Mormons:

  • A lawsuit by Fred Karger, homosexual activist, claims that the Mormons violated election laws in California.
  • Richard Raddon, director of the Los Angeles Film Festival, was forced to resign when it was discovered he contributed $1,500 to support Prop 8.
  • Homosexual groups are calling for the revocation of tax-exempt status.
  • For more examples, Google "Mormons prop 8."
...It blows me away that a group so bent on tolerance has vehemently attacked someone who doesn't agree with their view on an issue.  Not only are they turning a blind eye to the majority of people out there who oppose their view of same sex marriage, but they decide to single out a prominent party and seek to destroy those involved.  From blog conversations I've read, they are very spiteful, vengeful, and hateful to those who oppose something they feel is right.  Sound like Satan or Jesus is at the helm of their movement?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wear orange!

Well, once again, I get to add to my 15 seconds of fame.... I think this totals 6 seconds now, and I think this really puts me in the in-famous category. Out of all the things I said very clearly, they happen to take the one that was slightly convoluted and put it on the big screen. Oh well. At least the media attention has rallied the legislature into action in saving our hospital.
At least my youngest one was proud of me, or at least recognized me. It looks as though our hospital barring any last minute complications, will not close down. Wahoooooo!! That is, thanks to the resident grass roots movement. We had some really pivotal residents work exceptionally hard at keeping correct and accurate information shuffled to the right legislative personnel.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Secret ingredient

The title is for all you Kung Fu Panda connoisseurs out there...
Remember Po (the panda), said "ya know dad, sometimes I just don't see how we're related", more or less, then his dad (the duck) says "I think it's time to tell you the truth"... Po gets interested, then his father says, "It's time to tell you the secret ingredient to my noodle soup".   Sorry, I'm gonna ruin the movie for those of you who haven't watched it yet, so you might as well stop reading now.  
It's "Nothing".  
Well, I actually have a sinus infection right now, so I was inspired to share more than nothing with you.  All you Neti Pot lovers, or Sinu Rinse users pay attention...
If you don't have the recipe yet, here it is -- the salt mixture which creates the hypertonic solution for the rinse.  
Some things to keep in mind...  
-Pseudomonas (a very bad bug) loves standing water.  It has been known to be found in bleach solutions.  So, make sure you don't let water stay in the pot/bottle after use, and wash them out well.
-Use too much salt and WOW!  You will feel like someone put a hot iron in the middle of your head.  Trust me, I know from experience.
-Afrin spray, a vasoconstrictor (shrinks blood vessels and hence your vascular nose) is good to use for up to a max of 5 days.  Then your body becomes dependent on the stuff, it stops working well, and it takes weaning measures to get off the stuff.  Having said that, it's great to use to open your nose before washes.  Again, up to a total of 5 days.  
Okay, the secret solution...  a.k.a. 411
4 cups of water
1 tsp sea salt or pickling salt (non iodized will do as well)
1 tsp baking soda
Bring to a boil for 8 minutes.  Then let cool for 45 minutes.  Then go to town!  Wash dem' buggers outa dare (said with an Oklahoma accent)
For a more concentrated solution, meaning more hypertonic, meaning fights bacteria better... Add an extra teaspoon of salt.  But beware, the more salt you add, the more potential for the burning sensation.  So don't get teaspoon mixed up with tablespoon.  Yeah, it really burns, especially when you add two tablespoons.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Is Palin Stupid?

Now that is a word not used in my house without getting a reprimand. I think any woman juggling children, husband, and a STATE, is anything but. I don't even like it when someone calls a guy with a lower IQ stupid. It grates against every fiber of my soul. Maybe they are scars from my younger years, I don't know. Now, I'm not saying that somewhere in Sarah Palin's life there isn't some thing compromised, because we all know, it is an enormous job just to keep kids and us husbands pleased. But to say she is lacking in intelligence? Come on!
Here is a clip I found from Stu...
1) Environmentalists say we can’t drill for oil in Alaska because it will hurt the caribou. 2) Sarah Palin says that it’s not drilling that’s killing caribou--it’s the wolves that keep eating them. 3) Sarah Palin authorizes thinning the herd of wolves, to protect the caribou. 4) Environmentalists say Palin is a vicious murderer for killing all those wolves. 5) Sarah Palin’s plan actually works to save caribou. 6) Sarah Palin is still the one who is called stupid. Do you see what happens here? Environmentalist policies address ZERO of the two problems--- conservative policies address BOTH. Not only was the plan successful, it was enormously effective. Caribou populations in some areas had fallen by more than 80%. Yet, observations in October found no less than a 39:1 ratio of more young caribou alive this year, than the last two.
So, there ya go. Like my boss says "Any woman who can field dress a Moose, has my vote." Even though the election is over, she still has my vote.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

So long to Pepsi Co.

As if they needed any more support!  All they need to do is be a normal person in the workplace!  Work hard, and keep your mouth shut in regards to your personal life.  So long Sierra Mist, say hello to Sprite!  Which really is too bad since I started to like S.M.

"Pepsi has given Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) a half-million dollars to help push the homosexual agenda in the workplace.

Pepsi has a long tradition of financial support for homosexual groups. According to Jacqueline Millan, director of PepsiCo Corporate Contributions, "We are delighted to continue our partnership with PFLAG...(in) promoting the necessary message of inclusion to untapped groups...and that is a crucial step toward building a healthy working environment."

Despite the fact that 30 states have passed constitutional amendments defining marriage as being between a man and a woman, Pepsi continues to support the efforts by same-sex groups pushing for homosexual marriage."

OSU medical center residents speak out!

Well, the ball is now rolling for the media coverage of our hospital and it's dire situation. Here is a link to the clip where residents I work with on a daily basis are putting in their two cents.
The girl with the orange sweater under her white coat is a fellow ENT resident. She and the first girl they recorded (along with others) ran the Tulsa Run with Deb and I a last month.
The guy who didn't get his comments aired was our letter writer. He published a letter in the Tulsa World (biggest local paper) with all of the resident names attached to show our concurrences.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A local news story about my hospital

It's almost like those "Where's Waldo" books. Only it's Where's Richard. I think out of the 5 minutes they interviewed me, I was only on air for about 3 seconds. But hey, they took a stutter filled interview and made it look good.

For the official link and video click HERE. The video is located on the top, right hand corner.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Since it Sunday... this is for my Baptist buddies

Baptist Shampoo

While shopping in a grocery store, two Baptist church ladies happened to pass by the beer, wine, and liquor section. One asked the other if she would like a beer.

The second good Baptist sister answered that, indeed, it would be very nice to have one, but that she would feel uncomfortable about purchasing it.

The first sister replied that she would handle that without a problem. She picked up a six-pack and took it to the cashier.

The cashier had a surprised look, so the good Baptist sister said, 'This is for washing our hair.'

Without blinking an eye, the cashier reached under the counter and put a package of pretzel sticks in the bag with the beer. 'The curlers are on me.'

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sums up the media problem in our country

No, I didn't draw this one, it's way too professional. But, it makes a very very good point.  By the way, did you notice that B. Obama (the promotor of change) chose the SAME senior advisor (Rahm Emanuel) that Clinton had as chief of staff.  Hmmm, some change eh?  
As a side note.  Here in Oklahoma, our local news showed some African Americans picketing a small town newspaper outside of Tulsa.  The paper's focus is on the local economy.  The reason for the upset?  They felt it was racist that the paper not put a huge front page article announcing Barack Hussein Obama's win over John McCain.  The newspaper replied that they would have done the same if McCain had won.  Their focus is on the local economy.  They did give an article covering the local election results.
Picketing is better than riots though.  I guess I didn't have to buy that shotgun of mine. (that was for you Lisa ;) )

Monday, November 3, 2008

Morons with their Prop 8 slander against the Mormons

Thanks Brad for getting my blood boiling once again.  Again, my anger emotions are showing here.  But I firmly believe that constructive anger is a good thing.  After all, Jesus with his cat of 9 tales busting up the money changers was a good thing.  
So, with that said, Brad sent me a video sent out by the propaganda machine called Courage Campaign...
It "inspired" me to write a comment on the blog page.  I signed up under R Hu if you want to read it....click on the link to take you there.
If you don't want to read it, you can read my response to their efforts to skew the facts...

No to your unabashed slander of the LDS faith's reason to vote YES on this proposition.  All this speak on your add is propaganda smear without mentioning the reason for why the LDS faith is for voting YES.  Do you realize what saying no means?  Do you realize the damage to the fundamental unit that this Nation is founded upon? 

Your add is not only false on so many accounts, but it demeans the LDS faith and what they promote.  Their goal is not to destroy like you show so dramatically.  Their view is to allow wholesome family values to flourish under the guidance of a man and woman bound in matrimony.  This is how God and Nature planned a family to be. 

By a majority, this notion of same sex marriage is not what the democratic population of California desire.  It has been voted down before.  And by the all powerful and unjust justices appointed to that state, it was overturned against the wishes of the people. 

How dare you pointedly assault the Mormon church with such malicious propaganda.   And for their support of the majority of people in California.  Their support as to not give up hope in the democratic ways of our nation on moral issues of this day.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Muscular men

So, the results are in. Women couldn't give a flip on how muscular a man is. It does nothing for them. So, there goes those countless hours and hours I've spent in the belly of the iron filled weight rooms. All that time I could have spent studying medicine. I am so crushed. Poll... How do women view men with big muscles? 1-Hello, hold me back 1 (that's what I'm talking about) 2-It doesn't hurt 1 (It does too!) 3-Doesn't do much for me 6 (what! did everyone conspire with my wife on this one?) 4-Barforama 4 (now, come on there!) That darn camera man, he messed up the shading on my face. Well, back to the books.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Who do you want for a U.S. supreme court justice?

So, just before the final day,I have some research for you hard-core political junkies out there. Hypothetical situation here... If B. H. Obama were to be elected, what kind of leaders would he elect? Would they be conservative, democrat, republican, independent, liberal, socialist, Marxist/communist? "By their fruits ye shall know them." NOT by what they promise or say they will do (off their own web page). So, here are some of B. Obama's friends, comrades, and people (friends) he has been in close proximity. Note, these people are those that he respects and runs ideas past or has done so in the past. I just don't know much about this guy since his life is so secretive (he won't even allow his thesis paper to be found or read). So, all I have to run on is the company he has kept over the past several years. Here's the partial list... Jeremiah Wright Mike Klonski Rashid Khalidi William Ayres Abu Nimah Tony Rezko Michelle Obama-(here's a start...) the first time she was proud of America was when her husband was nominated for the presidency. What kind of ideas would you think my head would be filled with if I ran around with MS 13 members? I assure you they wouldn't be uplifting. Also, as I understand it, it's illegal for someone whom is born outside the US to run for president. Why isn't the media finding more out about this!? If Sarah Palin was born in Russia or Spain, where would that be in the news? B. Obama was born in Kenya. This is according to extensive research done by senator Phillip Berg of Pennsylvania... (a democrat! of all people) and his crew. Hence, born in Kenya= unconstitutional to run.  Apparently this was recently thrown out of court.   Here's my vote, lets all just put Condoleezza Rice on the ballot. She would be someone I could actually consider. Then she would be the first African American AND the first woman president. Back to the title of the post... if the company you keep is not one that views the US as a favorable, free, capitalistic, and wonderful nation, then why should I be happy about having you as President? Especially when you'll bring some people of a similar character as of your old friends, along with you?

Monday, October 27, 2008

In lieu of our recent Bail-out scandle

You have to click on it to get a blown up view of it. I don't know if you heard about all the ear marks associated with the recent wall street bail-out. The thought inspired me to draw this. It's taken me a while to finally get it up. Cartoons take a lot more time to finalize and digitize than I thought.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Should life be fair?

What do you think of our first amendment getting it's second wave of attacks? Democrats hate talk radio. Why? Because it gives the right wing side of view from all the liberal crap we get shoved down our throats by the mainstream media. How dare they give the other point of view! Follow this link. Life should be fair Wow, I can't believe there are people out there who want this!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Some political "promises"

Okay, here is a little research that has come my way on Obama. Does anyone have a rebuttal? About #1, I have actually heard him quote more or less,"income of $250,000 or below won't get a penny more of new taxes." However, that still means if he taxes Joe the plumber for increasing his business, Joe will just have to charge YOU an extra hundred bucks to fix that broken pipe spewing water in between your walls. Like they say, "crap rolls down hill". Just FYI, business that make 250,000 or less are very very small businesses. So let us say "sianara sucka'" to the little business entrepreneurs. Obama Lie No. 1 — I will tax just the rich. There is no such thing as a tax on just the rich. Taxes on wealthy people affect everyone. Remember, Obama defines anyone making over $90,000 a year as "rich." Joe the plumber discovered that Obama thinks Joe's rich too. Under Obama, he won't be able to hire new employees and grow his business. Joe's not alone. Obama says he'll strip away the FICA cap at $90,000 for every worker. That means every dollar you earn over that amount, you'll pay 7 percent! Obama Lie No. 2 — I want to give a tax cut to the middle class. Obama says he will let the Bush tax cuts expire. That's an automatic 5 percent (maximum) tax increase on almost all taxpayers. Plus middle class folks pay capital gains taxes. Obama has said he wants to almost double them from a low of 15 percent to almost 30 percent. He wants to hike the dividend tax, and he also has promised taxes on gas and energy. Obama also wants to dramatically increase the estate tax, which had almost disappeared. There goes your idea of sharing your wealth with your kids in the future. Obama Lie No. 3 — I want to make America more secure. Another outright lie. In an age when crazies like Iran 's Ahmadinejad are building ballistic missiles and promise to "destroy" the United States and Israel , Obama has promised to gut the missile defense program created by President Reagan. "I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems," Obama said. He has promised to cut "tens of billions" of dollars from the Defense Department. In an effort to make us more "secure," Obama plans to disarm us. So, anyone want to also comment on the recent revelation of Obama's plan, which he so kindly uncovered for us in lay-man's terms? Who thinks socalism is a good thing? Don't we have enough "spreading of the wealth" already by those money grubbing polititians currently in office? I don't know about you, but here in the greatest nation on earth with it's capitolistic ideology, I want to keep what I earn. Who wants to go to school for 30 years and then get robbed of more than half his/her earnings? I think 50% is quite enough.