Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Hello friends, family and countrymen.
The Word of wisdom has once again come through to help us. We all know that it says not to drink hot drinks suggesting black tea and coffee since that was what it was at the time the revelation was given to the prophet Joseph Smith. Many ask why? Well, because it was a commandment. Pretty simple really. If your doctor asks you to stop picking your nose, it's probably for a good reason. If that's not good enough for you, then look into it. It's a DRUG! Drugs have their place don't get me wrong. What do Energy drinks have in them? Drugs and "vitamins".
Just today, there was released a study where Energy drinks are linked to cardiovascular problems that could lead to a heart attack, such as heightened blood pressure, increased platelet clotting, and a hindered blood vessel lining.
Further studies will come out in regards to what exactly it is in the energy drink whether it's the caffeine, taurine, or other ingredients. So keep an eye out for those results.

In a cohort of otherwise fit and healthy subjects, the present study demonstrated endothelial dysfunction and platelet hyperaggregability 1 hour after energy drink consumption, with an associated increase in blood pressure.

The energy drink used in this study contains caffeine, taurine (an amino acid), and glucuronolactone (a glucose metabolite). Additional substances incorporated in the drink include vitamins (B2, -5, -6, -12) along with sweeteners and thickeners. It remains uncertain which of these compounds are responsible for the above findings. Of the individual ingredients, caffeine is the best characterized; however, there are still conflicting results due to variable doses of caffeine used and different techniques used to measure platelet function. While no effect on platelet aggregation, or even improved effects on endothelial function has been observed, it is important to note that there is no evidence to date to support the suggestion that chronic coffee consumption has any impact on cardiovascular events. Taurine is seen in high concentration in platelets. Interestingly, the exact function of taurine in the platelet remains uncertain. Supplemental taurine has been felt to have potential beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system via mediating redox stress. The potential effect of taurine to explain the detrimental effects of energy drink consumption on platelet and endothelial function therefore seems unlikely. No data exist about the impact of glucuronolactone on platelet or endothelial function. As endothelial dysfunction and impaired platelet function are associated with elevated glucose levels, it is possible that glucuronolactone might contribute to the observed detrimental effects of energy drinks.


Debbie said...

Wait, so who had to make red bull stop?

Brad Hart said...

Good to know...especially with all the graveyard shifts I work.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Well, here's my caveat. Like any medicine, you have to know the risks and benefits of anything you take. I admittedly have to have one so I don't become a threat on the highway...that dang highway hypnosis thing!

Brad Hart said...

Usually graves are pretty hopping over here so a simple Dr. Pepper gets me over the hump. But I too need a Red Bull or something like it from time to time.

Jenn said...

Did you see that article in the Church News that showed a spider making a web while having caffeine in it's system compared to the one without?? You should check it out.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Yes I did Jennerator...It was more like a cobweb.

Jenn said...

Richard...are you using the lowest form of humor?? ;) It's the only I know.

Nebraska Nelsons said...

Hey, did you see my Matthew's science fair project? I'm sure we could submit it right along with the article you quoted! :)

Deb's Big Hunk said...

No, I didn't see it. Where do I go to see his fair project? Sounds like he's one step a head of the game. :)