Sunday, March 15, 2020

The virus heard round' the world.  Kind of amazing how Wu Han China became famous from it's fish market.  And that doesn't make it popular in the good sense.  This is where the virus originated and has since spread across the globe affecting and killing thousands.  Mortality rate is somewhere 1% of those affected, compared to the 0.1% affected by the Influenza A and B.  But by far, more have died this year in the US by the Influenza (18000), compared to the current 60 (as of Mar 15 2020)  by COVID-19.
Pandemic: It has now been categorized as such on two days ago by The WHO.  Now, everything is shutting down.  Church, school, and even things are changing at work.  All elective cases by Thursday this week will come screeching to a halt.  Toilet paper has run dry on the shelves of grocery stores.  Stock market hasn't been this bad since 1987.  Its a buyers market.  I need to get into stocks now.

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