Tuesday, December 2, 2008

And you thought it was bad under G.W. Bush

Here comes the CHANGE people...

I love immigrants.  Heaven knows we all came from them.  However, times have changed.  They come over to work from the tierra madre, send back all their earnings, and in the mean while, abuse any governmental system possible without a thought to the rest of us.  Who pays for it? Yes, YOU do!  

Now, if I was in their shoes, I would probably do the same exact thing, therefore I can't blame them.  Having that said, we need to realize that they need guidance and process.  Looking at the bigger picture is essential.  Why you ask?  The government not only spends millions on teaching their children how to speak English, but billions in housing, food, and economy problems.  Economy?  Yes, lets mention the hospitals.  It is federal law as of 1986, that ALL hospitals whom supply Medicare patients (essentially all of them) have an open door approach to their Emergency Departments.  That means no one can be turned away.  Theoretically and ethically this makes sense.  However, like any mandate, it can be abused.  In California, the illegal immigrants use the ED as a clinic.  Sure, they are sent a bill for the huge cost of time and overhead to provide such amazing service topped by no other country in the world.  But do they pay it?  Heck no!  So, that's why you have hospitals in L.A. and surrounding areas suffering big time.  

Here is a good article which articulates some of the facts...

Illegals sink hospitals with you in them


In our case here at OSU Medical Center, we serve the indigent care.  There aren't many illegals due to recently enacted laws which scared them out of the state, but if our hospital closed and you sent those people with stuffy noses to other ED's around town, then... YOU suffer.  How?  Well, lets put it this way...you break your arm and go to a hospital which had a 4-6 hour wait.  Your thinking, man, my arm really hurts bad, but I'm not gonna die.  Well, neither is that snotty kid two chairs over with a fever.  Then, tag on two more hours because OSU closed down and there are tons of kids with fevers all around you.  Then they let the snot nose fever kid go first.  You faint a few times due to the pain, catch the flu while your there, THEN you're seen.  You see, it never seems all too bad unless YOU are affected, or know how closely you can be affected.  


I had a case not too long ago working up in a small town ER.  I had the rooms full with people in the lobby, it was shift change, I was working up TWO heart attacks, and an ATV wreck where the kid practically scalped himself on the gravel road.  I get two angry parents who call the administrator, who then calls me because they had to wait in the lobby for more than a half hour for their fever laden infant to be seen and given Ibuprofen.  I had to stop what I was doing, and go firmly explain the circumstances to these naive parents.  After two hours of overtime, washing gravel out of this kids head and putting the jig-saw puzzle of a scalp back together, I realize how easy it is to put a little more stress on the hospital systems and for care to become compromised for those whom so desperately need it.



"Barack Obama is setting up his administration to be the most radical, pro-amnesty presidency in history.


He just announced that Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano will be his new Director of Homeland Security. Napolitano has been a vocal opponent of the border fence.

This came on the heels of Obama’s appointment of Cecelia Munoz, a high-ranking La Raza executive, to a key post. Munoz has been in charge of La Raza's legislative and lobbying efforts.  She will now be Obama’s Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and will serve as the chief administration liaison with state and local governments.

Munoz headed La Raza's campaign to give driver's licenses to illegals and pass the amnesty bill, the DREAM Act and the AgJOBS amnesty. The message is clear... 

          The Obama administration is now on a fast track to pass an amnesty bill while stopping or even reversing the border fence and other efforts to stop illegal immigration." 

Speaking of "change"... does change mean re-appointing the Clintons to high positions of power?  Yes, I said "Clinton's" with an "s".  Where one goes, the other follows.  There never is just one hyena found around a dead carcass.


Anonymous said...

Boy can I ever comment on this one. Our hospital writes off MILLIONS in charity care to illegal immigrants each year. It is frustrating, to say the least. Plus with the recent economy crunches, it isn't like those millions are just "lying around" waiting to be used. Thanks to the stock market decline....I was "lucky" to get a very small Christmas bonus, still unsure whether I'll get a raise in Jan, and my 401K contributions will no longer be matched by the company.

I guess I should quit whining and be grateful that I still have a job. There are plenty of those who aren't as fortunate.

I don't know what the answer to the illegal immigrant problem is. But I certainly don't want to promote the downfall of ANY hospital because immigrants don't choose to be responsible and become legal....so they can get health insurance (not to mention a few other things...)

So I second you on your concern over president elect Obama's "plan of change" for our country. It makes me wonder how bad things are going to get before people realize that not all CHANGE is good.

Bottom line: holding my breath on this one. Hope I don't pass out.

Jenn said...

I'm with Maureen 100%! We don't only pay with long ER waits (which are the shortest in the world), but through a myriad of taxes. Remember my good old bumper sticker.

The economy is falling and falling fast. I can't tell you how thankful I am that Brian lost his job in July (even though they offered it back to him the next day) and promptly found another. His old company just laid off 5 people and had layoffs the month before.

As for Obama...I'm not surprised. It seems that the election of the "Messiah" hasn't given confidence to any part of the economy, from housing and manufacturing, to retail and banking. I know that manufacturing is going to progress further down the toilet (in part to illegals, who don't pay any taxes on their earnings and use everyone else's money for EVERYTHING).

I'm not sure how our health care system will fare (from the looks of it, not well), and I'd just like to get through the next four years. I will be scathed though...

Raven said...

YOu are all beyond ridiculous. A bunch of looney toon conservatives that think the world is ending if i ever saw it! Give me a break!

Your attacks on Obama are irrational and unsubstanciated. Why don't you take a good look in the mirror buddy. Bush has done ALL of the things that you are fearing, yet you nut-jobs consecrate the man as a quasi-savior. Give me a break.

Could you try to be a little MORE partisan in your approach and logic? This is worse than even Rush Limbaugh.

"A conservative is a person who sits and thinks...mostly sits."

~Woodrow Wilson.

Raven said...

BTW, your first line shows what a liar you are..."I love immigrants."

Whatever dude, whatever!

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Raven said

Your attacks on Obama are irrational and unsubstanciated. Why don't you take a good look in the mirror buddy. Bush has done ALL of the things that you are fearing, yet you nut-jobs consecrate the man as a quasi-savior. Give me a break. "

hmm...well, I guess you forgot to go to the link I posted. If my remarks were "unsubstanciated" then where is your back up proof that I'm wrong?

The problem with you liberals is when you are offended, you start insulting and ranting and raving and calling names because it's too difficult to look up something to back you up. It's much easier to be ignorant and angry than it is to be informed and knowledgeable.

So, Why don't you open your blog so I can comment? What are you hiding?

BTW if I may use your acronym, Woodrow Wilson probably didn't know any Liberals. If he did, he would think conservatives don't stop moving by comparison.

In addition, I don't appreciate you calling me a liar. If you took time to read past the first line you might have understood what I was getting at.

Jenn said...

Who the heck is Raven?? She/he sounds awfully partisan. There is a huge difference between immigrants and ILLEGAL immigrants.
If you don't like the site, don't read it.

In any case, Richard is right. As I have said before, most of the ranting, raving, protests, and demonstrations are from liberals who persecute others for their beliefs and can't statistically back-up much. Bush may not be perfect, but at least most of our freedoms have been preserved, we'll see if it's the case in the next four years.

Jenn said...

By the way, Raven has lost all credibility for resorting to name calling.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Very nice comment you three. M, J and S. Sorry Raven to leave you out.

To answer your second to last question as if Raven reads history...I don't think he/she even reads. They skipped over the majority of my post and only commented on the first lines.

As to your last question Sarah...
I think the present administration and past have done things terribly wrong. I could go on and on about the wrongs they've done, but they have lacked a couple key ingredients necessary to keep this Country growing strong...

1. Put up a southern boarder fence! Does anyone realize how much drogas perjudiciales (illegal drugs) come across that boarder? My brother is a boarder patrol agent, and that boarder is all about drugs, violence and thugs. Just give him a call and he'll tell you all about it.

2. Hasten the process for illegals to become legal...we need them. We need their work ethic to boost the lack thereof coming from this next generation.
With this #2, there needs to be a program set up where if someone wants to come to the US, they start learning the language, purchase health insurance, and pay taxes like the rest of us. Just enough to offset all the programs they take advantage of...i.e.food stamps, section 8 housing, WIC, etc...
Like I said before, if I was in their shoes, I would come illegally to the US as well. Who wouldn't? So, that makes us, the owners of the country, responsible to make sure people come here, become integrated and appreciate this country like the rest of us do.

You always treat something better (with respect) when you have to pay at least something for it.

Lisa said...

I have to add that GEORGE BUSH was for amnesty. McCain DRAFTED the amnesty bill with Kennedy. The fat cat Republicans LOVE illegal’s because their companies can hire them for dirt cheap. No matter who was in office, they were going to sacrifice the safety and well being of the American citizens by catering to illegal immigrants. When I was 19, I had to get a minor surgery to save my life. I was working part time so I had no insurance and my mother's FOURTH husband would no put me on their insurance. I went to apply for Medical and I was told that I could only get it if I was pg (out of wedlock), I was under 18 or an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT WITH A CHILD. I was soooo angry. I paid state taxes in Cali yet could not use their programs, but anyone crossing the boarder with a kid could get it. Illegal’s steal SS#’s, buy houses, drive better cars than I do, get every pamphlet in the world translated for them etc. It is an issue that sickens me. I do disagree that it's part of the OBAMA change. It was WELL in the works under Mr. Bush. (The KING of illegal immigration legalization which he tried to pass twice.)

Maybe Raven is willing to pay my medical bills that are so high do to the hospitals that have to raise their prices due to getting stiffed by treating the un-insured immigrants.

Raven said...

I just LOVe how you all accuse me of being too partisan. Have you taken a look at yourselves in the mirror lately? Oh, and the bit about liberals taking stuff too personally...have you ever listened to conservative radio Mr. Big HunK? aGAIN, try looking in the mirror you hippocrites!!!

Brad Hart said...

Hello everyone. Sorry for my absence. Raven, I see you have found my friend's blog. My guess is that you found this from a link at American Creation.

For those of you that don't know Mr. Raven, I have had the "privilege" of debating with him for over a year on various blogs. And while I find him to be occasionally insulting and too liberal for my tastes, he does at least challenge you, which is a good thing.

Now, as for the lame attacks from BOTH SIDES on this thread, here are my thoughts:

Richard writes:

"The problem with you liberals is when you are offended, you start insulting and ranting and raving and calling names because it's too difficult to look up something to back you up. It's much easier to be ignorant and angry than it is to be informed and knowledgeable."

Richard, you are treading VERY THIN ICE and I think you know it. Any time that partisan politics are brought up one always runs the risk of looking bad. These attacks and criticisms go both ways. There are just as many stupid, ignorant, biased conservatives as there are liberals. In my opinion, this is not the way to defeat one's political adversary.

Jennerator writes:

"Bush may not be perfect, but at least most of our freedoms have been preserved, we'll see if it's the case in the next four years."

Uh....are you sure about that? Your "freedoms" have been preserved? Ever heard of the 4th Amendment? I would be careful here as well, Jenn. Most historians and political analysts have clearly demonstrated that Pres. Bush has violated the Constitution more than any president in the past 65 years. Be VERY careful with that statement.


Now, you and I have shared our disagreements so many times that it isn't even worth relating here. And you know it is no surprise that I find you to be a liberal radical on almost everything. Please keep in mind that the people here (except for me) are mostly conservative. And while you (and occasionally I) don't always agree with conservative arguments, AT LEAST TRY to be somewhat respectful. I've known Richard for a long time and he's a good dude. He's not out for blood. And while I personally find his politics to be too conservative for my tastes on a few issues, I cannot say enough about his character. Again, he is a good dude. So, try to play nice if you are gonna visit the blogs of my friends.

This whole ridiculous back-and-forth partisan thread is a perfect example of why I believe so strongly that political parties SUCK!!! Being Independent is SOOOOO much better. I am allowed to be liberal on some issues (like church/state separation which I am passionate about from a liberal perspective) and conservative (on issues like same-sex marriage, which I am FULLY aligned with the conservatives).

So, can we try to actually discuss the issue presented here? Or should we simply toss stupid partisan B.S. at each other???

Jenn said...

Brad, I'll have to research a little more on the Bush thing and the constitution, but thanks for calling me out, it makes me have to study a bit more.... And, I appreciate your debate most always :)

Raven, an intro might have been a better approach than just jumping full in with disparaging remarks when no one knows who you are. We have absolutely no problem with those of another viewpoint, it makes us have to research our positions a little better. Plus, I have a huge problem with name-calling. We try to keep it civil here. Richard is anything but a liar.

Fisher, I agree, the prophecy is most certainly under way, although I think it has been for quite a long time.

Lisa-I'm sorry that you weren't able to get the financial help you needed. I believe there is a time and season for most things. Because of my son's multiple disabilities, we have medicaid as a secondary insurance (they won't pay unless our primary insurance pays). I hope that we will eventually be able to make enough money that we can care for my son's medical expenses completely. I have a big problem with those that are on welfare perpetually without making any effort to better their lives.

Richard, I can't say that I would come here illegally, to me you are breaking a MAJOR law just to be here, what kind of law-breaking is going to follow?

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Oh Jennerator, if you only experienced the conditions that these people live under, you would understand that I would come over here illegally in a heart beat, or at least try. If I had absolutely nothing, and saw a land of plenty which would mean my potentially sick children and wife could be taken care of. Imagine this... Wooden slats for walls, hard packed dirt floors, kids with an education stopping after middle school. Working daily for bread on the table. If you get sick, your family doesn't eat until you're well enough to work again. I've lived with these people. I don't blame them one bit. It does pose a problem though. There are those gang bangers i.e. MS13, who don’t have parental guidance and roam like the Gadianton robbers with fear and horror struck into their enemies. There needs to be a filter in order to try and decrease these vile secret workers.

Welcome back.
Of course I travel on thin ice. Politics in my mind equal to thin ice. It's a very emotionally charged topic. And I agree that the arguments go both ways. However, I am sticking to what I said. I'll clarify my thoughts to be more specific on the matter. The extreme left and extreme right get so worked up, that name calling occurs. I've heard it from both sides.
It is still a big problem I have when listening to liberals, (because in my mind, a liberal is a left winged democrat, AKA extremist, of that party). It is my experience that liberals find it more difficult making a decent string of political logic together without insulting someone in the middle of it all. I'm not trying to win political points, it's just my observation thus far.

Raven, I actually enjoy your comments. Not very thought out, but amusing all the same. By the way, I'm not easily offended. -read the quote at the top of my blog by Brigham Young. But I would ask you to be more appropriate toward others on this blog.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Brad said...

"Uh....are you sure about that? Your "freedoms" have been preserved? Ever heard of the 4th Amendment? I would be careful here as well, Jenn. Most historians and political analysts have clearly demonstrated that Pres. Bush has violated the Constitution more than any president in the past 65 years. Be VERY careful with that statement. "

I don't think those historians lived through the Clinton years.
Brad, you'll have to spell out some of the violations here. I don't agree with the "most political analysts and historians". If you are talking about the Patriot act... that has nothing to do with violating the 4th amendment. The nuts and bolts of it have guidelines.

Raven said...


Yes, Bush has done MUCH more to violate the Constitution and other treaties than has Clinton...MUCH more. Don't get me wrong here. I'm not a Clinton guy. But at the same time, I am not going to deny the truth.

The Patriot Act does have guidelines, but so did the Indian Removal Act. That's not the problem. The problem is that Bush has gone against both the Supreme Court AND the Constitution when failing to get warrants. That's just one of many things he has biffed on.

And how about violating the Geneva accords? BTW, most people don't know this, but guess who was involved for the U.S. when drafting those resolutions? Eisenhower, Truman and Macarthur. War heroes who knew a thing or two about the horrors of war. And what has Bush done? He's thrown their work out the window.

What else? How about violating the rights guaranteed in the 8th Amendment to HUNDEREDS of Americans.

What else? How about giving the Sec. of Treasury authority that is specifically forbidden in our Constitution.

Yes, Bush has done MUCH MORE than Clinton did in this area. And yes, most historians agree on this one.

Now, in fairness, the Dems do not have clean hands either. Congress has gone along on almost all of these points. But as Truman said, the buck stops at the Oval Office. The problems we face with America have been evolving since the late 40s. Ever since then Americans have been slowly giving up more and more of their liberty. Good ol’ George W. has simply expedited this process…like a cancer growing out of control.

Strange...I am hearing the sounds of Julius Caesar and his soldiers crossing the Rubicon, but that can't be. Our Senate would NEVER allow such a thing. After all, Bush just did this to protect us all from those terrorists...right? I see Caesar as he insists that his desire is not to overthrow the republic, but simply to protect Rome from the terrorists...er...barbarians. Golly gee, a true patriot like Caesar is starting to gain more support and power with each passing day. It’s almost as if he has become the embodiment of the entire Roman government. But Caesar would never do such a thing. He's just asking us to give up a little liberty so that we can have an added measure of security. One the crisis is over, things will return to Normal. After all, America…er…Rome was built on a holy and sacred promise. Nothing could EVER bring about the demise of our beloved republic. So, in the end, it’s a good thing to give Caesar a little extra authority…right?

Ok, Julius Caesar. Save us from the barbarians. Keep Rome forever in your protection. Go on...we trust you. After all, the Senate will simply go along with whatever you say. After all, they need to appease the masses in order to stay in control. Go ahead, dear Caesar. Save mighty Rome from the infidels!!!


"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
~Benjamin Franklin

"Give me liberty or give me death."
~Patrick Henry in 1775

"Give up a little of your liberty or we are all going to die."
~George W. Bush, Congress, and the American people, 2001.

Brad Hart said...

Richard writes:

"It is my experience that liberals find it more difficult making a decent string of political logic together without insulting someone in the middle of it all. I'm not trying to win political points, it's just my observation thus far."

Uh oh...is the ice starting to get thin again! LOL.


Thanks a lot you jerk! This is even low by your standards. That bit your wrote about Caesar and comparing him to American politics today, wow it sure looks awfully familiar. Maybe that is because I WROTE IT!!! Way to go you PLAGIARIST!!! I guess I should be flattered, being that you had the audacity to copy one of my old comments from another blog and paste it here. Honestly, did you think I wouldn't see it? Raven, you've always been pretty intelligent in your stuff from past blogs. Why are you looking so bad here?

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Just when I think, "wow, Raven has out-done himself, I agree with his thinking, and wow, for the first time in a while, a liberal and a conservative have a shared idea". And then, the truth comes out. Oh well, I should have suspected as much.

Brad, I understand your frustration, but your treading the thin ice now my friend. :)

Brad Hart said...

Heh...yes, and this thin ice is getting a lot thinner.

Brad Hart said...

But the Rome/America comparison....I will stand behind it 100%. I think it is right.

Jenn said...

Is that a crack?