Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Is it any wonder why D.C. is so messed up?

Anyone heard of Marion Barry? How about previous mayor of Washington D.C.? So, the people usually pick those whom they think will represent their wished in office, and get done what's needed for the city, right? This guy was elected by the people not once, not twice, but FOUR times! Unbelieveable! Reason it's so unbeleiveable is because in 1990 he was caught in an FBI sting operation where he was smoking. Yeah, smoking CRACK! Here's the article blurb...
"Barry served four terms as mayor. In his third, he was videotaped in 1990 in a hotel room smoking crack cocaine in an FBI sting. He served six months in prison and in 1994 regained the mayor's office."
And you read it right, he regained the mayor's office AGAIN! Now, he was escorted to jail for a few words with the laddies after getting caught stalking a woman. We all know there are a ton of political scandals out there, especially involving affairs with other women, pages, or boys (puke!), sorry, I'm back now. But, all of them have resigned or stepped down after the public knowledge of their deeds has been broadcast to the world. Not Marion Barry though. Smoking crack must be no big deal in D.C.
I say we move the capital to Texas. Our governing officials need to be surrounded by some solid morally sound people. Poeple like Tom Delay, J.W. lown, won't dare step back into Texas after their news broke. Maybe if we kept B.O. and crew in Texas, they won't think it's okay to go on lavish trips, pass exorbitant bills that no one knows how to pay for, and think all this is morally okay. I'll tell you what, it's easier to do whats right when your surrounded by a bunch of constitutionally smart people with guns which they know how to use.

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