Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Case of the week...the extra breast

Photo taken with permission
Okay not really an extra breast... but who can guess what this is? I think I will start compiling slides for a future presentation using this blogger format. We'll give it a test run.
This is a male, who had this soft fluctuant mass on the front of his neck for about the past 12 years. It has been slowly growing all of these years. The red dots are blood droplets where I injected the local anesthetic agent. Any takers? The answer soon to follow...


Brad Hart said...

Dude! NASTY!!!!!!!

Jenn said...

WOW. You'd think someone would notice a large growth on their neck BEFORE it became a 'C' cup and get into to have it removed.

I'm guessing thyroid, but I know you can't swallow well if it's even 10 times smaller than that. Sooooo...cyst? Lymph nodes? Don't keep us in suspense!

Jenn said...

Wait, final answer. I'm going with cyst, since you gave local anesthetic and you didn't put him under, so you might have just taken a giant needle to his neck to drain it (that's what they did to my cousin's knee).

Brad Hart said...

I'm going to say he swallowed too much of Glenn Beck's nonsense! =)

Jenn said...

Heheheh. That was funny, Brad!

KC and DL said...


Anonymous said...

I did a double take when I read the title of this....and ANOTHER double take when I saw the picture. Holy macrel!! The only time I've even seen anything like this was after thyroid surgery...when the patient started bleeding internally (not a calm situation).

Unfortunately I'm not going to risk my reputation as a surgical nurse by guessing -- but my curiosity is certainly peaked. :)

Deb's Big Hunk said...

No, not Glenn Beck Brad. Our glorious president elect who is feeding us all a load that's hard to swallow. How about that capital gains tax he's cutting small business for a year? Whoupty do! Oh, you mean the capital gains tax that they don't have to pay anyway? So, he's a hero now for taking away a tax that they don't pay anyway. He's one smart continual campaigner. I would like to see him in your stash of pundits. At least Glenn Beck admits when he's wrong, and is actually trying to feed us the truth as he knows it.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

No, not Glenn Beck Brad. Our glorious president elect who is feeding us all a load that's hard to swallow. How about that capital gains tax he's cutting small business for a year? Whoupty do! Oh, you mean the capital gains tax that they don't have to pay anyway? So, he's a hero now for taking away a tax that they don't pay anyway. He's one smart continual campaigner. I would like to see him in your stash of pundits. At least Glenn Beck admits when he's wrong, and is actually trying to feed us the truth as he knows it.

Brad Hart said...

First, Glenn Beck doesn't admit when he's wrong (and he's wrong a lot). Even simple google searches can point out some of his falsehoods in his "books." He's a pundit...nothing more.

Second, where were you guys when Bush was doing all the same stuff you accuse Obama of?

I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with partisanship...nothing atall!

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Where was I? Medical school.

Yes, very busy learning about how to be a doctor while others were busy trying to destroy both GW and my future by smearing EVERYTHING GWB did. Was he imperfect? I answer with a redundant yes, as in conversations of past. Especially towards the end of his term. However, they (the dems) never came up with a plan other than to do everything opposite the republicans. Where did it get them? A STUPID, STUPID, STUPID health care proposal. Yes, and "stupid is as stupid does". Smart speaker, dumb actions.

But why oh why, when criticized, the left, and yes even you now Brad, tout foul play by those in the past? Let bygones be bygones, and start making sense of the here and now. It's NOT partisanship, just a bunch of idiots destroying our freedoms one mega bill at a time while ignoring the future indebtedness. And I repeat...GWB started the first of the bills.

Stop the madness already! Make tax cuts permanent, don't tax the CEO's for being in America and making money (last time I checked, it's not a crime), don't spend us into the millennia, halt illegal border crossings, slow the law suits with TORT reform, and punish attorney's who clog our courts with frivolous law suits. ETC!

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Those are just some of the things the average Joe wants. It doesn't take partisanship to figure these things out, just practicality.

Brad Hart said...

It's just AMAZING how quickly the pages are flipped. Everything you said was ranted about when Bush was Prez. The Dems were the blamers then, now it's the Repubs. What has changed? Nothing. It's the same dance to a different tune. I haven't been on this earth a long time but I have been around long enough to see just how STUPID the politics game is (and how partisan it really is). You can label me of pulling out the "foul play" card but here's the thing: I just don't care. That's sort of always been my point. I'm not an Obama guy, but at the same time I'm not going to jump on the "Obama is an evil Nazi who is bent of killing us all" wagon. Again, same dance, different tune. I remember hearing all the same crap when Clinton was in office, and again when Bush was Prez. The American political game is about as predictable as a game of tic-tac-toe.

But you are right. When Bush was in the Dems never came up with a better plan on anything...sort of like the Repubs right now. But again, that's sort of the game. The party that is out of power NEVER comes up with good ideas. Their strategy is to do nothing but smear.

You might be interested in reading John Taylor's speech entitled, "The Government of God." I like Taylor because he was a realist. He did away with all political/patriotic/partisan nonsense and said it like it was. He basically said (like Washington) that political parties would be the downfall of America. Not that one party would be evil while the other is good, but the mere existence of rival partisanship would divide America over mostly nonsensical issues creating a false sense of loyalty and patriotism, all which would severely cripple a true democratic/republican form of government.

Here's the link to Washington's farewell address in which he labels political parties as being the future crutch of America:

As for the average Joe and what he wants, I don't thing he/she has much "practicality" these days.

By the way, we are taxed less than almost every other industrialized nation on the planet but yes, we are spending to much. I'm with you there.

And don't you love how EVERY president, when in office, is accused of being "stupid." They said the same thing about that Jefferson guy!

Brad Hart said...

In the interest of playing fair, I should probably point out that I tend to play the Devil's advocate more than I should. If you guys were hard-core libs I would probably come off looking like a conservo. My sister-in-law is as liberal as they come and on her blog I tend to do the same thing I do here, just with a conservo bend.

Bottom line: I just strongly believe that political allegiance is ridiculous. Why give any of these guys your loyalty or attention? Especially the "shock jock" morons on the radio who are as transparent as plastic wrap? They are so far from being the "guardians" of true patriotism, truth and justice that it's almost laughable. Politics should be about a collision of ideas...especially in a democracy. We would all do well to remember that the founding generation was so great primarily because they disagreed with one another so passionately (but they never let it become as divisive as we have). When we really look at most issues, I think it's clear that we are arguing over stupid stuff. Time we learn to pick our battles with some care.

One of the things that I found interesting about the General Authorities is that they tend to debate things quite a bit. For example, when McKay was president of the church, Bruce R. McKonkie, Harold B. Lee, Ezra Taft Benson and J. Fielding Smith were constantly debating with one another over political issues (but they never let it become divisive). And today, we have 2 General Authorities who were (at least politically) very left-leaning (Holland and Uchtdorf...and Faust was when he was alive). I wouldn't call these men "stupid" or misinformed. They simply see politics in another light (and isn't that was a democracy is supposed to be?)

Even the church wants more political diversity. Not that long ago they released a press release stating that they were "troubled" by the overwhelming lean of the church to the GOP.

Sometimes it's good to not assume out party/political leanings are the gatekeepers of all truth???

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Whoa! First off Brad, I wrote that last one when I was very tired. I in no way implied you in any of this other than, "touting foul play of those republican leaders of the past". I hope you didn't think I called you a name. I would never do that anyway. I actually enjoy your comments, they at times fire me up like the so called "pundits" do to you. It's good because it points out different views.

But no, I'm not crying partisanship here. I'm talking about the issue of the day in my comment. The point I'm trying to make is the horrible decision our government is on the verge of making. They are quite literally controlling the nation. First the banks, then GM, then the medical industry.

And yes, the flawed Republicans not only oppose this bill, they have given several options on how to better the current medical system. A system which does have flaws but generally is working and a better system than any other medical system in the world. Do they listen? Up to this point, NO. I could go on much further for clarification but have run out of time tonight with presentation due tomorrow.

Anyway, keep on keeping it real Brad.