Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hucky softy

Is Huckleberry the next "Jesus"? I mean, haven't we had enough of our current presidential savior? All we need is instead of a guy that can't make decisions, one that makes them wrong. (Okay, okay, I just gave Obama WAY TOO MUCH CREDIT!)

In regard to his answer as to his decision in 2000...It's one thing to say, "ya know, he seemed like he had a change of heart but turned out to be a scoundrel out and I'll be a bit more judicious next time." It's another thing to say, "if I were to do it all over again, I would do it again".

Why does a governor have so much power? So a governor is all of a sudden more omniscient, and has more experience than a judge? Do governors/presidents realize how hard it is to get someone booked in the slammer anyway? Just ask someone in law enforcement. It's hard scraping baked slime off the streets.

Huckabee's past may taint his future

by Jim Brown

A leading conservative pundit says fairly or not, former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee's political future has been badly damaged by fallout from an executive decision he made in 2000.

Conservative bloggers and pundits have been taking Mike Huckabee to task after a man whose sentence he commuted while Arkansas governor killed four police officers in Washington state over the weekend.

In a post on the conservative website yesterday, Huckabee expressed regret that he commuted the sentence of Maurice Clemmons and made him eligible for parole. However, Huckabee said the decision was based on evidence before him in 2000, and "if presented the same facts today, I would have acted in the same manner."

Huckabee also says that some of his fellow conservatives "don't seem to want to take responsibility for the facts surrounding the case," and are using "misinformed words" when accusing him of being weak on crime.

Erick Erickson, the editor of, believes perception is hurting Huckabee worse than the facts of the Clemmons case.

"I think the facts as known are not that bad, in that he gave clemency to the guy [Clemmons] when he was a teenager and was put in jail for over a hundred years for a simple burglary," Erickson notes. "The problem is that...this is now the second person [Huckabee] granted clemency to who went on to kill someone, and he's granted over a thousand pardons and clemencies, including 12 murderers. That taken together paints the picture of basically [Democratic presidential candidate] Michael Dukakis in 1988 -- someone who's soft on crime."

Even though Huckabee says all of the clemencies he granted were based on the facts of each individual case, Erickson points out that some Arkansas prosecutors and others who know the governor well say he had a propensity to grant clemency or give pardons to people who "found God in jail" and wanted to show mercy to them. According to Erickson, such an approach "would not fly


Brad Hart said...

Yeah, letting people off because they "found Jesus" is about as intelligent as letting a DUI go because he claimed he only had "a couple of beers" (if only I had a dollar for every time I heard that...come on people, come up with something original).

This one hits pretty close to home for me. As a cop, I really REALLY REALLY hate it when politics mixes with criminal justice. It never ends good. Let's face reality here: Huckabee (like that idiot quitter governor from Alaska) is a die-hard Evangelical Jesus freak who even stated that we needed to amend the Constitution to fix more closely with the Bible (Thomas Jefferson's head is exploding at this very moment). Making him (or Palin) the Republican nominee is akin to voting for more of a theocracy in this country.

And here's another fact we need to face: The only legitimate candidate the Republicans have for 2012 is Mitt Romney. I say this NOT because I am a Mormon but because it's obvious. Who else could possibly stand against Obama? And in all honesty, even Romney is going to have a hard road. Most polls show that Americans are extremely hesitant about having a Mormon in the White House.

I'm no Obama fan, but I think he is light years superior to a Huckabee or a Palin. I'd rather see 8 years of Obama's administration than what Palin and Huckabee would bring. With that said, I hope Republicans will be smart enough to realize that the MODERATE voters are the ones who determine all elections (historical fact) and Mitt Romney has a greater appeal to moderates than do those bible-thumping, hand-waving, Mormon-hating candidates.

As for the cop killer, it's too bad he had to be such a punk coward and shoot people in the back. That alone tells you all you need to know about him. Enjoy hell dude!

Jenn said...

What about Marco Rubio? I think Romney would make a good president, especially in light of his business acumen, but Rubio seems to have some really good ideas as well. I don't think he'd run in the next election, but it's possible, I mean how long was Obama in the senate before he ran? Of course, Rubio has to win the senate seat first. In any case, I agree, Huckabee has been hurt by his judgement. While I like Palin just fine, I don't want to see her as our Commander in Chief (although I think most anyone will be better than Obama). And I don't think she would win. Just a little side note, Palin's approval rating is one point behind Obabma's.

Brad Hart said...

Palin's approval (according to Rassmussen) is high for the hard-core right voters, but it's abysmal for the moderate segment of the pop, which is why she doesn't stand a chance.

I don't know a lot about Rubio, but I do know he isn't even in the top 5 polls when it comes to Republican candidates. Maybe it will change. After all, three years is a long time.

I agree with you Jenn that Romney is the best doubt about it.

Brad Hart said...

By the way you Palin fans, did you see what she did in Utah the other day?

VERY presidential! Nothing says "I'm ready to be Commander-in-Chief" like signing a woman's breasts!

If this doesn't tell you everything you need to know about Sarah Palin than nothing will.