Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What is our nutty president & goons doing to all of us!?!

So, Let me get this right. Nanci Pelosy gives a press conference and actually says "we need to pass the bill before we can find out what is in the bill". Yeah, buy it before you try it. That always goes down well! So, we baught it, and now we're trying it and it tastes like Cr*@!
Remember what I said about Brazil's health care? If you want an augmentation and any other non urgent surgery, it's fantastic. Just wait in line and you get what you want. The caveat? DONT GET COMPLICATIONS! That is, unless you want to die by waiting in that line again. You see, in Obamaland he wants this too. In the bill, it was proposed that those with medicare (that part sucked out of your paycheck during your working life), they will pay for your surgery. BUT if you have complications, you're on your own. Kicked to the curb, good luck sucka!
Is that the way we should treat our seniors citizens who busted their butts their entire lives? You decide. And THAT is only the beginning!

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