Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ritalin me this Ritalin me that

Methylphenidate the ADD drug...It's amazing to me how many parents turn to "fixing" their hyperactive child using this drug. I was in the clinic a couple of days ago seeing my usual patients, and I hear a little boy with a BIG personality getting his sutures removed a couple of rooms down. I happened to assist my attending in doing his surgery so I naturally took interest in seeing the healing process after our surgical insult. He was about 7 years old and knew what he did and didn't want. He wanted to go swimming, and he didn't want me looking at his ear. So, he proceeded to try and make a deal with me as he bounced to and from the examination chair. I couldn't promise him anything but a sticker at the end of the visit. With some coaxing from his mother and myself, I was able to take a look in his ear. I couldn't keep from chuckling and smiling the whole time while making deals and watching his wild, yet directed behavior.
After the visit, more than once the mother told us that she was taking him next to his doctors appointment where he will get his prescription for Ritalin. It amazed me to hear a mom trying to give us an excuse for his behavior, albeit very funny, being outlandish and inappropriate. It seems the knee jerk reflex to the unmanageable child is Ritalin, or one of it's cousins that calm the "ADD (attention deficit disorder)". It made me contemplate on how children were managed when we didn't have the mind altering drugs available...
I can think of a few things that stopped my wild child behavior. 1. Lots of outdoor recess time. 2. A disappointed mother. 3. Being involved in sporting events. 4. Given much time to be creative.
5. And last but not least of all-A father with a paddle with the know-how to use it.
So, let me know what stopped your wild child behavior.


Jenn said...

You don't have a problem with smoking drinking, drugs, overeating and pit bulls, huh? I know you a little better...(Dalin stay away).

I honestly don't like taking meds (yet you look at our medicine cabinet and it would say otherwise). I try to take only what's necessary (*cough* seizure medicine). Hope you are having a good time, I don't think Debbie is...

Debbie said...

Nice, I like to revision.

Brad Hart said...


I remember during my law enforcement days how kids used to take their Ritalin and grind it up into a powder. They would then snort it up their nose along with whatever other drug (usually alcohol) that they could find. The effects were incredible. It was almost like dealing with somebody on meth.