Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Me me me all the way home...When to have kids?

A highly debated topic in the field of medicine with female physicians.  I always hear the phrase, when I'm in (...you name it...)or when I'm finished with (...you name it...) THEN I'll have children.  Fill in the blank with things like, college, medical school, residency, after a few years in practice.  I don't think this is something just isolated to medicine.  I think it's an epidemic reaching out much further.
Is it any wonder why families now only have one or two children when just 50 years ago people were having 4-6 kids as a norm.  I'm going to extrapolate a little here... why are people being so dang selfish?  Is it because we want what our parents have, so were willing to sacrifice having children for objects, and things?  Is it because it's hard?  Is it because our tax burden is so great that we can't survive on one income alone?  Is it a combo of any of the above or are there things that I missed?  
I admit children take a bunch of time, are demanding, and you can't get anything "productive" done.  But when you take a step back, look at life in the long perspective... what is the meaning of life?  Why are we here on this earth?  Is it to serve ourselves?  Is it to get self gratification?  Are we just a selfish generation, not willing to serve and raise children in the kind loving way our parents raised us?  Are Chrisitians not so Christian after all?  If they aren't, and are actually selfLESS people, then why is the population of non-christians rising, and that of Christians falling?  
I personally have a great wife with more patience in one pinkie than in my whole body.  Don't get me wrong, I love wrestling my kids and playing with them as much as I can.  But as a man, (and as all men need their cave time), I couldn't handle kids 24 hours a day.  I don't know how she does it.  I guess she has that greater perspective.  


Melisa said...

Pardon me, but I really must send this to someone. Hope that is okay. Great job! :o)

Melisa said...

You'll have to stop me fast if you don't want me to because I'm sending it now. :o)

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Send away. I'll take thoughts on this from anyone out there willing to read it.

Babbel Family said...

Oh Richard- so nice to read someone else being so vocal. It is sad to me.
Sister Beck gave a talk in conference called "Mothers Who Know". In this talk she talked about this same thing saying "Mothers Who Know Bear Children". She makes reference to the Proclamation and how God has commanded His children to "multiply and replenish the earth". President Benson said,
"in the eternal perspective, children—not possessions, not position, not prestige—are our greatest jewels.
Having kids is hard, so hard, the hardest job. BUT it is the best job there is.
I think everyone's "number" of kids is different BUT when you start limiting your kids because it is more "convenient" your have your priorities seriously messed up!
Great post!

Debbie said...

You bet it's having that "greater perspective" that has allowed me to rise above those "selfish" feelings. Sarah is right, it's the hardest thing I've ever done BUT the most rewarding. I mean, just look at my blog. NO medical degree, no prestigious career, no amount of respect compares to that of being a wife ;) and mother. Interesting to look at Hollywood and women of "the world" and they all begin their families at the age of 40 because they felt that their life up to that point was "incomplete". Just grateful to my own mother who gave me every opportunity, encouraged me to develop myself, get an education, travel the world, serve a mission and LIVE in order to become a righteous wife and mother. I have the best of all worlds! So to all the working women out in the world, thank you for proving that I am, as a woman, capable of accomplishing great things all while I relish in my children and fulfill my divine mission as wife and mother.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Very well. Since I am a man of many opinions...Sarah, I feel a post coming on. :)