Sunday, April 26, 2009

WHO's happy? Not the pigs

World Health Organization is not happy at all, nor should they nor you be thus.  They are freaking out about the newest and latest bad guy virus to hit the market.  The epicenter of such is Mexico City from their swine.  It could be the most feared epidemic (locally spread)/pandemic (global spread) which has been predicted to arrive.  You see, the Spanish flu epidemic which happened in 1918 which killed from 20 to upper 50 million estimated was one of the three this century.  Usually 3 occur each century.  They say that the severity of the virus increases in the century but the initial pandemic has the highest mortality (more people die), and this is our first of this century.  It has been reported 1,400 thus far have been infected and 86 Mexican's have died from this swine flu virus.  It has shut down the Mexican capital and has spread to the US where now 20 have been infected, however not yet one mortality.  
I hope it fizzles like the 1974 case did, but as I quote the Incredibles "Luck favors the prepared, darling..."  Time to start listening to the prophets voice and get those food storages and gardens planted.  If your quarantined to stay home, then life will get rough without the fresh food stuffs around.  I recommend getting some backyard chickens too.  And why not?  
And finally, a fun little pun...
It had once been said, that when our country had elected an Afro-American as president of the United states pigs would fly.  Well, 100 days after President Obama's election, swine flu!


Jenn said...

I have to say, viruses scare me more than any other weapon (bio or not) out there. Not that this is a terrorists' plot...or is it? Mwuhahaha!

Although it's entirely possible.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Okay, conspiracy theorist. And I thought I was bad. :)