Sunday, August 10, 2008

The very dark Knight

For those whom have not seen the movie yet. The acting is superb. The story line is superb. The good is apparent and the evil is palpable. However, Drink responsibly, and think responsibly. Don't be like those irresponsible parents who think this is "just another Batman movie". The Joker is the ideal satanic terrorist, and it is well portrayed by his actions and verbiage. So, don't be like the 5 parents I saw in the theater (there was only 20 people in the theater on mid Saturday afternoon) and bring your 8-12 year old kids with you. Consider it rated R in order to give yourself the appropriate state of mind.
Now on a different thought. I have been thinking about the tragedy of the incredible actor Heath Ledger who plays the part of the villainous Joker. Though I might be balanced on the edge of being crowned a conspiracy theorist or one who can't join the crowd and give it my two thumbs and toes up, I feel there is a dark topic discuss. I think Heath's death was in part caused by the vileness of his character and hence the movie itself. Now, before you think I need my head checked, hear me out...
He experienced severe depression, anxiety, and insomnia as he became more entrenched in his character during it's filming. From what I have read and heard, his run of these symptoms were more than just a coincidence. Heath was in fact a good person. His father was quoted by saying, "He was a down-to-earth, generous, kindhearted, live-loving, unselfish individual extremely inspirational to many." I believe his father. It's amazing how such a person acting such a horrible and evil villain, made him seek medical therapy to cure his outwardly symptoms of internal spiritual conflict.

In what seems to have been an attempt at reaching the seemingly unobtainable sleep which he so craved, his life was ended prematurely. Some may say "ah, it was the pills themselves that killed him." Or "he was just another stupid Hollywood actor mindlessly taking overzealous amounts of illegal substances". I think it was not the gun that killed him so to speak, but the person holding the gun. In essence, I feel the evil influence that the villainous role had on him was so strong that coping with the symptoms became unbearable. Unbearable to the extent that even the strongest dose of prescription medications wasn't enough to rid him of the internal torment and thus pushing him to take more in order to obtain relief.

Like I said at the first, this movie was and is incredible on several levels of parallel between good and evil of today with superb acting and everything a guy wants in a movie. My only questions is, was it really worth it? What do you think? Give me your feedback.


Debbie said...

Interesting. Honestly, I haven't given that a thought but it makes sense. BTW details of his death and apparent cause are still being released. It'll be interesting to see what follows.

Jenn said...

That's something to ponder. I tend to agree with your assessment. You pretend something long enough and you won't be pretending anymore. I also thought he was a good man (although I had to reevaluate him as a person when he was in that gay movie).

Anonymous said...

Hey Richard...can I comment on your blog? lol

I agree -- this is NOT a kid movie. I wish parents would get a clue. My stepsons mom took them BOTH to see it (they are 8 and 6) and I was not pleased.

I also agree that playing a role...and playing it well...leads to "becoming" that role. Heath Ledger was one of my favorite actors. His death was nothing short of a tradegy -- no doubt caused in part by his desire to find peace within himself.

Melisa said...

I must say I agree with your views. I am of a weak character and can't handle seeing a movie like that, so I'll have to take your word for it. Movies with extreme violence just make me nauseous. Or movies with cruelty. I can't do it. If he was anything like most of us, submerging himself in such darkness could not have been beneficial for his psyche. Anyway...

So, I was thinking, I wonder why Richard hasn't posted in awhile... and then I realized I hadn't added your blog to my reader yet. Duh, Melisa. But all is well. I'm caught up now. :)