Thursday, October 23, 2008

If Obama wins...

So, if this type of violence happens before the election just from someone having a bumper sticker that says "McCain 2008" on their car, then what is going to happen if (and heaven forbid) if B. H. Obama loses the election? Strap on your riot gear, stock up on shotgun shells, or RUN for your life!


Jenn said...

I heard about that, but the police say that the footage from the ATM's show some facts that are "inconsistent" with her story. If she didn't tell it as it was, she's gonna be in BIG trouble...

But yes, there were huge riots in Chicago at the Democratic Nat'l convention in 1968 over who should run for the presidency. At least that's my understanding.

Who knows what's going to happen 30 years later with the election this year...

Brad Hart said...

Yeah...she's a total fraud. In fact, she failed 3 polygraphs and a friend told police that she had been planning on doing something like this on election day...Stupid girl!!!

Oh, and in fairness, let's remember that a volunteer for the DEMOCRATIC party in Georgia was gunned down by a man who hated "those damn liberals." This garbage goes both ways, which is why both parties are worthless, ignorant, clubs and nothing more...but that's just my take. =)

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Yes, the election brings out the slugs of society for sure on both sides. In Honduras, when the elections take place, the missionaries are told to stay indoors because of the riots and violence which transpires.

I guess some people will do anything to get into the lime light.

InWeighOverMyHead said...

A lot of white women blame things on black guys. It is the easy way right? A lot of barefoot white people strung black men up in trees for lies told by the lily while girls. Those damn black people! All they do is listen to rap music, steal, deal drugs, and go to prison. The world will go CRAZY with a black president; rioting in the streets, killing everyone, and raping a bunch of white women.

Hmmm... My husband is black. He speaks perfect English, he has a masters degree, he is a worthy priesthood holder, a loving father to three adopted children. I don't think he will burn the city down if Obama loses.

Jenn said...

Lisa, where did race come into this post???

Now that you brought it up, Brad is right, there are good and bad on both sides... My ancestry migrated here within the last few generations and we believe in being punished for our own sins and not for Adam's transgressions.

Jenn said...

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage."

Alexander Tyler about the Athenian Republic

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Interesting comment Lisa. I had a teacher once say before she chastised the class for some of the class members mischievous acts, "if this doesn't apply to you, then you don't need to listen". I'm implying here that my post doesn't apply to your husband at all. Just because you might be a white girl doesn't mean you apply ill feelings toward black men. AND, just because you are a black man, doesn't mean you do all those things you mentioned.
There are however, statistics, and numbers that are very telling. Telling in that they show whether or not certain views are justified or not. That may be an interesting post for the future.

InWeighOverMyHead said...

Richard, I agree about the numbers. But white people have rioted for hockey game results, World Series losses, in protest to Vietnam... Am I to assume that we need to in your words "get shotgun shells" to protect ourselves against THEM when Obama wins? Recently, a black man was drug to his death by two white guys associated with the Arian Brotherhood. This was NOT a made up story unlike the one posted. The Clan was created as a result of "black progress" in order to "protect" the white race. History shows that whenever "white - is -right" is threatened, extremist white men terrorizes and kills random black people. I would rather deal with rioting (which would NOT happen) than having to worry about my husband being the target of a crazy white person who thinks they are getting one of those "statistic's show" kind of blacks. I am scared. History tells me that there will be retribution if Obama wins by the same people who claim to be "super-Americans." I should be the one who has to worry. Your post implied that the blacks wll go crazy if McCain wins. I would like to post that it is not the blacks we should be afraid of. No worries, I know you weren't speaking directly about my husband. I live all the time with him being "different" from other black people. Trust me, I do understand. I would NOT live in a black neighborhood, I would clutch my purse around a black man, I would assume someone black was running some kind of racket. This is the sad truth about those statistics you mention. BUT, I just want it equally noted that people like me will be VERY worried about the safely of their loved ones if Obama wins. Enough to keep me from voting for him? NO WAY. :)

Jenn said...

Conservatives are FOR THE MOST PART conservative in all ways...the riots that have been mentioned are most always performed by liberals or extremists, and there are extremists in both parties. All I know are the stats.

Brad Hart said...

Jennerator states:

"Conservatives are FOR THE MOST PART conservative in all ways...the riots that have been mentioned are most always performed by liberals or extremists, and there are extremists in both parties. All I know are the stats."

What??? What stats???

The majority of the white-on-black riots mentioned by Lisa are from ULTRA CONSERVATIVES! I think you are way off when you insinuate that liberals are somehow more responsible for riots in our nation's history. The KKK (predominantly an ultra-conservative movement) is responsible for thousands of lynchings over the past 100-140 years. Again, I fail to see your "stats."

In fairness, yes, liberals (and conservatives) rioted over Vietnam and other 60s movements. However, I think it is historically inaccurate for you to label the liberals as being the primary instigators of rioting. My guess is that both sides have their hands equally soaked with the blood and tears of their own riots.

Jenn said...

Did you notice the word 'extremists'?

Jenn said...

1967 Newark riots, LA riots of 1992, the previously mentioned 1978 Dem Nat'l convention-I would say (not researched) that those participating were liberal. I might be wrong.

Brad Hart said...

LA riots of 1992. NOT a LIBERAL riot.

Jenn said...

I stand corrected. :)

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Hold on here. From my understanding we have the terms mixed up here. Or maybe not. From what I understand...

Democrats (Left)- the people should have a say in everything.

Republican (right)- The power of the people given to representatives of the people. Generally with more Christian morals. (anti-abortion, anti-big government[oh, how that’s changed], for capitalistic gains and freedoms etc.)

Conservative- favor tradition and gradual change, where tradition refers to religious, cultural, or nationally defined beliefs and customs. The term is derived from the Latin, com servare, to preserve; "to protect from loss or harm". –wikipedia I see them as to take in both views of the right and left and balance them according to upstanding moral values and common sense.

The far Right (extreme conservatives)- Way too Republican wacko's. (KKK nut jobs)

The far Left (Liberals)- Way too Democratic to make capitalism work properly. Wacko's. Do whatever makes you feel good and don’t let anyone sway you from that goal. A.K.A Hollywood. And politically, lets make everyone rich or nobody can be rich. Life should be fair for every single person. What, you went to school for 21 years and I only went for 11 1/2? Doesn’t matter, you should still pay for my marijuana habit. If you disagree, you’re a bigot and a hate monger.

Liberal- on the left side of Democratic, "Spread the wealth" types. Who want the government telling them what toilet paper to use. Just shy of socialists. (Robin hood’s stealing from decent folk to help the slackers)

Libertarian- A believer in a political doctrine that emphasises individual liberty and a lack of governmental regulation and oversight both in matters of the economy ('free market') and in personal behavior where no one's rights are being violated or threatened. Also 'classical liberal', akin to 'anarcho-capitalist'.-wikipedia

You’ll have to correct me here if I’m skewed, but that’s how my mind sees them.

Brad said…
The majority of the white-on-black riots mentioned by Lisa are from ULTRA CONSERVATIVES! I think you are way off when you insinuate that liberals are somehow more responsible for riots in our nation's history. The KKK (predominantly an ultra-conservative movement) is responsible for thousands of lynchings over the past 100-140 years. Again, I fail to see your "stats."

I think Ultra ANYTHING is way off balance I agree with Jennerator, in that main stream conservatives keep their views in balance. Balance in that our liberties, rights, and moral judgements should be neither right or left, but a good mix of the two.

Riots are held by ultra’s and extremists (usually involving booz, and hence all common sense GONE!) of any party or belief system.

Brad Hart said...

Heh...I like your definitions for liberal and conservative. You wouldn't happen to be a conservative, now would you, Rich? =)

And yes, and extreme is bad. Case in point: