Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The start of Sodom and Gomorra for Californians

No, I don't live in California, so go call your friends and family who do and put a hot coal on their chair.  I can't remember who (my mom maybe?) sent this to me but very interesting.
Six Consequences If Proposition 8 Fails   
1.            Children in public schools will be taught that both traditional marriage and same-sex marriage are okay.   The California Education Code already requires that health education classes instruct children about marriage.  (§51890)   Therefore, if the definition of marriage is changed, children will be taught that marriage is a relation between any two adults.  There will be serious clashes between the secular school system and the right of parents to teach their children their own values and beliefs.        
2.            Churches will be sued if they refuse to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies in their religious buildings that are open to the public.  Ask whether your pastor, priest, minister, bishop, or rabbi is ready to perform such marriages in your chapels and sanctuaries.    
3.            Religious adoption agencies will be challenged by government agencies to give up their long-held right to place children only in homes with both a mother and a father.  Catholic Charities in Boston has already closed its doors because of the legalization of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.   
4.            Religions that sponsor private schools and which provide housing for married students will be required to provide housing for same-sex couples, even if it runs counter to church doctrine, or lose tax exemptions and benefits.      
5.            Ministers who preach against same-sex marriages will be sued for hate speech and could be fined by the government.  It has already happened in Canada, one of six countries that have legalized gay marriage.   
6.            It will cost you money.  A change in the definition of marriage will bring a cascade of lawsuits.  Even if courts eventually find in favor of a defender of traditional marriage (highly improbable given today’s activist judges), think of the money – your money, your church contributions – that will have to be spent on legal fees.  
And think of all the unintended consequences that we cannot even foresee at this time.  Where will it end?   It’s your children, your grandchildren, your money, and your liberties.   Lets work together to protect them.    Phone voters to vote Yes on Prop 8!
There ya go.  I thought this informative!  Thank you for whomever sent it to me.      


Jenn said...

Okay, like I said earlier, I have minimal knowledge of our legal system, but what I do know is that under the first amendment of the Constitution (it was never in the original, which is why is is called an amendment, not that you didn't know that):

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

It would seem that government CANNOT impose the beliefs of others onto any religious establishment. Of course, from what we've seen in CA, it would seem that our judges in the land chose to not follow their own laws...

I was gonna say a few other things, but I had to take Scott to therapy and forgot what they were...

Amanda said...

I'm SOOOOOOOOOO glad we aren't in CA. But, we have lots of family there. It is really scary!!!

Brad Hart said...

I am in absolute agreement with you on this, Richard. Same-sex marriage in Cali is a slippery slope for the future. With that said, there are 2 points in this article that are incorrect:

#2 "Churches will be sued if they refuse to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies in their religious buildings that are open to the public. Ask whether your pastor, priest, minister, bishop, or rabbi is ready to perform such marriages in your chapels and sanctuaries.

The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment makes it very clear that government cannot infringe upon this right.

For example, EVERSON v. BD. OF EDUCATION, a Supreme Court case from 1947, stated that the 14th Amendment applied to religious faiths and stregnthened the separation of church and state. As a result, it would be unlikely that a church could be ridiculed for not performing a same-sex wedding.

Also, Wisconsin v. Yoder, a case in which Amish and Mennonite parents refused to send their children to public schools (which was compulsary under Wisconsin law) stated that the parents (because of the 1st Amendment and the Establishment Clause) had every right to keep their children from attending public religion.

These cases (along with a host of others) makes it very unlikely that a church will be forced to acknowledge same-sex marriages.

With that said, I still think there are plenty of other threats that will come if Prop 8 is passed.

Jenn said...

I'm with you Brad...

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Very nice. Thank you brad for that clarification.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

let me re-vamp my comment... I think we have laws that will deter many law suits against religious practices for now as Jennerator and Brad mentioned... However, why then are there cases which should be thrown out legally, but lawyers somehow find loop holes to go through and get you anyway? Remember, the homosexual community is one where they only have time to work, and go to their nightly outings with all their gay buddies. They have power and no families to soak up their time. So, they sit around and pat eachother on the back on how "in court today, my client sued so and so because of such and such. Even though it should have been thrown out, we won." I know this happens because on of our residents stayed with a gay guy on a rotation. She was invited. When she got there, he put her in charge of serving his guests. Though she being a doctor was shocked by this, was even more shocked at all of the law suit stories against doctors when they found out she was a doctor! Astounding!

Another example, O.J. Simpson. Yeah, he got what he deserved this time around for the crime he committed. But what about killing his wife? He was so guilty, he had to write a book about how he did it in order to get it off his chest! Another one...Why do lawyers win when they sue doctors who help women give birth to their Crack Babies? Not fair you say? Oh, but it's a quite common story here in the medical field. There are enough scoundrels out there in the law field and end up getting sued because they come out mentally handicapped?

I could go on and on about cases which were won which should have been thrown out because of their ridiculousness.
My case in point is, that there are snakes out there. Law suits will be made. Money will have to be spent defending these stupid law suits. Although I didn't write these points myself, I still defend the papers position.

From what I was told, (not researched), England has this problem. Now of course, they don't have our fabulous constitution, nor it's amendments on their side, but I still think that is not a big deal for our pointy toothed lawyers.

Deb's Big Hunk said...
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Deb's Big Hunk said...

Oh, and Jennerator...Re:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech

I have to disagree. Why then is this democratic senate(?) we have trying to pass "the fairness doctrine"? They are pushing hard for it because talk radio is such a pain in their backside. They discuss the liberal nonsense and give the conservative view of the issue.

Now, it hasn't passed yet, but they keep pushing it. I've never seen such a threat to our freedom of speech!

Jenn said...

Oh I agree with you Richard, but for the time being, we still have that freedom of speech...

Brad Hart said...

Richard writes:

"why then are there cases which should be thrown out legally, but lawyers somehow find loop holes to go through and get you anyway?"

For the same reason that lawyers tackle abortion cases, 1st Amendment cases, etc...to make a name for themselves. If a lawyer can attack the establishment then he/she gains some measure of prestige. At least, that's my best guess. =)

InWeighOverMyHead said...

I agree with you about the law suits. When Eric was a social worker, he would see drug addict moms come back for their kids AFTER they had been legally adopted and say that they didn't have control over themselves then and didn't know what they were doing. They would win and the lawyers would be so proud of themselves for "fighting the system" when in fact what they did was tear a child away from a wonderful, safe, forever home and put them back with the same person who hurt them in the first place. California LOVES this kind of stuff which is one of the many reasons we moved.

InWeighOverMyHead said...

Oh yes, and I also agree that OJ did it! lol :)

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Yeah, Jennerator, at least we have the right to blog it up... OOOOHHHH yeahhhhhhh.

Jenn said...


Jenn said...

Concerning Sodom and Gomorrah: “God intervened . . . when corruption had reached an agency-destroying point that spirits could not, in justice, be sent here.” (Neal A. Maxwell, OT Student Manual, pp 55-56)