Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Who do you want for a U.S. supreme court justice?

So, just before the final day,I have some research for you hard-core political junkies out there. Hypothetical situation here... If B. H. Obama were to be elected, what kind of leaders would he elect? Would they be conservative, democrat, republican, independent, liberal, socialist, Marxist/communist? "By their fruits ye shall know them." NOT by what they promise or say they will do (off their own web page). So, here are some of B. Obama's friends, comrades, and people (friends) he has been in close proximity. Note, these people are those that he respects and runs ideas past or has done so in the past. I just don't know much about this guy since his life is so secretive (he won't even allow his thesis paper to be found or read). So, all I have to run on is the company he has kept over the past several years. Here's the partial list... Jeremiah Wright Mike Klonski Rashid Khalidi William Ayres Abu Nimah Tony Rezko Michelle Obama-(here's a start...) the first time she was proud of America was when her husband was nominated for the presidency. What kind of ideas would you think my head would be filled with if I ran around with MS 13 members? I assure you they wouldn't be uplifting. Also, as I understand it, it's illegal for someone whom is born outside the US to run for president. Why isn't the media finding more out about this!? If Sarah Palin was born in Russia or Spain, where would that be in the news? B. Obama was born in Kenya. This is according to extensive research done by senator Phillip Berg of Pennsylvania... (a democrat! of all people) and his crew. Hence, born in Kenya= unconstitutional to run.  Apparently this was recently thrown out of court.   Here's my vote, lets all just put Condoleezza Rice on the ballot. She would be someone I could actually consider. Then she would be the first African American AND the first woman president. Back to the title of the post... if the company you keep is not one that views the US as a favorable, free, capitalistic, and wonderful nation, then why should I be happy about having you as President? Especially when you'll bring some people of a similar character as of your old friends, along with you?


Jenn said...

Before I comment on this post I have a question for anyone who has the answer.

I understand that on the actual ticket you can choose from those that are still in the race, like Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee (I think). Why isn't there another major political party that can choose a candidate so that we have more than one choice (kinda like the Ross Perot thing)? Why does it have to be Republican or Democrat? Why don't the Libertarians have a convention and nominate someone?

Jenn said...

3 Nephi chapter 14 verse 15 and 16 in the Book of Mormon:

14. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
15. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do they gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles?

My own humble opinion? Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing and it is evidenced by his fruits.

Jenn said...

And Biden might be worse...

Jenn said...

Oh yeah (for my fourth comment), check out my blog for a great poem on Obama's share the wealth.

Brad Hart said...

I think that the "doomsday" crap on Obama is not only getting old, but is downright laughable. Ok, the guy may not be to your liking (speaking for myself I did not vote for either candidate) but calling Obama a "wolf in sheep's clothing" is a bit much.

This all goes back to what I mentioned a few weeks back about the history of presidential elections. In EVERY SINGLE election people feel as though the end is sure to come if their chosen candidate is not elected. I CAN PROMISE YOU ALL that Obama will be FAR from the most corrupt, evil leader that we've had, assuming that all that stuff about him is true.

And let's be fair on this one. It isn't like any of our recent presidents have had squeaky-clean backgrounds. If you look hard enough you will find dirt on anyone. Now, this isn't an excuse, and by no means am I urging people to vote for a particular candidate. However, the "doomsday" stuff is getting old. I am sure that the United States is going to survive with or without an Obama presidency.

And let us also keep this in mind: a president is only one person. The issues facing our country are the responsibility of EVERY AMERICAN. Also, how about the ineptitude of Congress over the past 20 years (in both parties). I find it amazing that we have tolerated FOR 20 YEARS a Congress that has had a lower approval rating that King George III had during the American Revolution. And who is to blame for this??? THE PEOPLE!!! I think we need to quit looking for fault and blame in our leaders and start looking at the narcissism, selfishness, rudeness, arrogance, and laziness of the American people, and this is something that NO PRESIDENT will be able to fix by themselves.

Brad Hart said...

As for Obama not being born in the U.S., the Constitution makes it clear that a person doesn't have to be BORN inside the actual borders of the U.S. Rather a person must be a natural born citizen, which Obama certainly is.

It is the same as what happened with several military leaders in our country's history. Some were the children of parents who served overseas in the military. As a result, they were born overseas. This happened to Patton and MacArthur.


Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee are actually not on the ticket. When you go to vote, you will see like 15 names for president, each from a different party. For example, you will see the Green Party's candidate, the Independent Party's candidate (who is Ralph Nader), the Libertarian candidate (Bob Barr) and a bunch of other names. There is even a candidate from the Boston Tea Party!!! =)

Brad Hart said...

I guess one last comment on the stupidity of partisan politics:

Whenever you hear one party attack another party, rest assured that BOTH SIDES are guilty of the same thing. I don't care what the issue is, BOTH PARTIES are equally yoked in hypocrisy. That is why I have to laugh whenever a Republican attacks a Democrat or visa versa. It's so blatantly obvious that both sides stink in this slug fest.

I think of it as a Frosted Mini Wheat. Some like the frosted side, while others like the unfrosted side. But in the end it is THE SAME STUPID MINI WHEAT!!!

This is why I don't understand why so many in the chuch attack you if you vote Democrat. As Jeffery R. Holland pointed out in a recent conference in my state, there are current members of the 12 Apostles that have liberal leanings and it doesn't matter. This idea that Republicans are the keepers of truth, justice, patriotism and the American way is getting really old. Can't we just see them for what they truly are...A STUPID POLITICAL CLUB!!!

Jenn said...

Awesome! Maybe I'll vote for Nader...

Now, Brad don't read this because it'll just make you annoyed...probably same with Lisa, but in any case, I found it interesting. It's from Boortz (I know, again with the radio talk)

-By "Obama's Friends" we mean the likes of Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Tony Rezko and other assorted miscreants. I could spend a lot of time here detailing the crimes of Obama's friends --- and make no mistake, they were his friends. At this point I don't think that any votes are going to be changed one way or another by detailing the corruption of Rezko, the America-hating of Wright or the unrepentant terrorism of Ayers. Suffice it to say that Obama was close to all of these people ... and these were associations born of mutual interests and philosophies. If you think that it is fair to judge the character of a person by observing the people they surround themselves with, then the judgment of Barack Obama would be a harsh one.

Obama's varied storylines regarding his relationship with Ayers have, to say the least, been interesting. The list is incomplete, but thus far we have:

* He was just a guy who lived in my neighborhood.
* I was only eight years old when he was throwing bombs.
* I didn't know about his history when we started working together
* I thought he had been rehabilitated.

Yeah ... I guess it's OK if you form a close relationship with a bomb-throwing terrorist, as long as he threw the bombs when you were a kid. Works for me. Work for you? In a similar vein, It must be OK if your pastor rails against America, as long as you aren't in church on those particular days. Or maybe we should say as long as nobody remembers actually seeing you in church on those days.

One interesting point: If Barack Obama was applying for a security clearance as a government employee, these associations would disqualify him. We are, my friends, about to have a president who doesn't qualify for a security clearance. Pretty pathetic. If Barack Obama becomes president, he would not even qualify to be his own bodyguard.-

Jenn said...

Oh yeah, I agree with Brad. The parties are just frat houses.

Brad Hart said...

Jen writes (or quotes):

"One interesting point: If Barack Obama was applying for a security clearance as a government employee, these associations would disqualify him.

In fairness, Ronald Reagan had the same problem.

InWeighOverMyHead said...

Hmmmm… Let me see… Jesus “ran” with liars, prostitutes, and other unsavory people and he turned out OK.

To answer your post on citizenship, I did 5 minutes of research and found this info.

A child born outside of the U.S. is a citizen if…

(1) At least one parent of the child is a citizen of the United States, whether by birth or naturalization. (2) The child is under the age of eighteen years. (3) The child is residing in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the citizen parent pursuant to a lawful admission for permanent residence.

If you wish to research further, please visit

Had Obama been born in Kenya, he would still be a citizen. HOWEVER, since he was born in Hawaii, this was just an opportunity to engage in some recreational research.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Laugh all you want, he's still a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Well, at least he's a guy I can't trust. Anyone who lies about who they hang around is classified as wolf enough. Or at least a snake. Good comparison by Jennerator of “false prophet”. According to Jeremiah Wright, B. Obama is the “Messiah”.

As far as fruits, he doesn't have much fruit since he's still a sapling. The fruits I've seen about his "present" votes on partial birth abortion are pretty bitter.

So what’s wrong with a good ol' political slug fest? :) It's kind of fun. That is, if you don't get too offended.

As far as Lisa’s comment…

" Jesus “ran” with liars, prostitutes, and other unsavory people and he turned out OK."

That's because he was teaching them, not being taught by them.

I am surprised that no one pointed out that John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone.

Oh, and Jennerator, don’t cave in to thinking anyone can elect anyone other than the dumb donkey or slobbery elephant party. Even the great Ross Perot couldn’t get enough votes to sway the 1992 voting his way. All he did was split the vote. There is “hope” (sound familiar?) that some day we will be able to have another party out there… I don’t think America is ready quite yet, even with all the hope-festing going on.

Jenn said...

Hahaha, Richard, I always hold out "hope". And it sure is fun to have a slug-fest, no doubt. Plus it makes me research a little more.


Christ was the Son of God, that could've helped with him 'running' (although running implies agreement and action with said parties) with the bad guys...

InWeighOverMyHead said...

Jenn - I know who Christ is. Thanks.

Jenn said...

Wasn't sure...

Deb's Big Hunk said...

You two (Lisa and Jennerator) are so funny! If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were sisters. Oh, wait... in a sense, I guess you are.

Jenn said...

All in good fun :)

E Thrizzle Hizzle said...

I am Lisa’s husband or the “Loquacious Lout” (not to be confused with Daffy Duck for copyright infringement purposes). ‘Twas I who WROTE and EDUCATED the masses about citizenship! Now, I hope we can all feel a little better (and less worried) about pregnant women traveling outside of the US! So, Birth your children on foreign shores! It’s OK! Don’t wait ‘til you get back to Alaska…

So, as you can see, some of those stories were only rumors and lies. Just to scare people. And WHY would they want to do THAT? ----To lead us astray. And more importantly… Why are we (and by “we” I mean you) believing stories WITHOUT investigating them first? I am SHOCKED as a teacher!

So Barack “Berry” Obama can be a liberal, tree hugging, 67 VW bus driving, racist pastor having, washed up 60’s radical who didn’t comb his hair knowing, identity changing, Ben & Jerry’s eating, power to the people touting, commie socialist and he is still going to be OUR NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!