Sunday, November 16, 2008

Is Palin Stupid?

Now that is a word not used in my house without getting a reprimand. I think any woman juggling children, husband, and a STATE, is anything but. I don't even like it when someone calls a guy with a lower IQ stupid. It grates against every fiber of my soul. Maybe they are scars from my younger years, I don't know. Now, I'm not saying that somewhere in Sarah Palin's life there isn't some thing compromised, because we all know, it is an enormous job just to keep kids and us husbands pleased. But to say she is lacking in intelligence? Come on!
Here is a clip I found from Stu...
1) Environmentalists say we can’t drill for oil in Alaska because it will hurt the caribou. 2) Sarah Palin says that it’s not drilling that’s killing caribou--it’s the wolves that keep eating them. 3) Sarah Palin authorizes thinning the herd of wolves, to protect the caribou. 4) Environmentalists say Palin is a vicious murderer for killing all those wolves. 5) Sarah Palin’s plan actually works to save caribou. 6) Sarah Palin is still the one who is called stupid. Do you see what happens here? Environmentalist policies address ZERO of the two problems--- conservative policies address BOTH. Not only was the plan successful, it was enormously effective. Caribou populations in some areas had fallen by more than 80%. Yet, observations in October found no less than a 39:1 ratio of more young caribou alive this year, than the last two.
So, there ya go. Like my boss says "Any woman who can field dress a Moose, has my vote." Even though the election is over, she still has my vote.


Melisa said...

That word is banned in our house too! Imagine that.

Sometimes people's logic just baffles me.

Jenn said...

She's got my vote too!!

Brad Hart said...

Sorry everyone, but I have to disagree here. Sarah Palin (if ever nominated) would be a 100% guarantee that the Dems would win again. The woman has divided even her own party. Half of the Christian extremists love her, while the fiscal conservatives want to take a realistic approach to winning in 2012.

Simply put, the woman is...yes I am going to say it...STUPID!!!!!

I cannot back her in any shape or form. Now, you all may think to yourselves, "hey, Sarah Palin is being unfairly judged here. She was put on the spot and couldn't answer questions that most Americans would get wrong as well." Well, most Americans aren't running to be Commander-in-Chief. Simply put, Sarah Palin is a farce.

If the Republicans SINCERELY want to win they will take a long hard look in the mirror and go with Bobby Jindal or Mitt Romney. Palin isn't even in the same discussion. In fact, Palin isn't even in the same league as Dan Quayle. She falls dramatically far of even him!

Deb's Big Hunk said...

I'll again have to disagree with Brad.

First of all, lets put things into perspective since that has been lost. She never was running for Commander-in-chief. Presently it may be a different story. So lets compare apples to apples... Lets compare her to Joe Biden who also was not running for president, and on a down to earth scale, she had him whooped! Oh, sure, he could throw out the political speak! Most of it was inaccurate at best as well. But hey, he sounded good.

Second of all, You could be the valedictorian of the most elite high school or college in the world and still not know how to do surgery. It's called practice and experience. You can't expect a civilian to talk the talk of a politician or to not freeze in front of a camera once or twice. You can't expect a baby to eat a steak. To obscure experience and growth with stupidity is an absurd oversight.

Give her a few more years. Let her bone up on her world history and political talk.

Brad Hart said...

No dice...

The Vice President IS running to be Commander-in-Chief. The Founding Fathers made that one clear. The VP is the only security blanket we have for that office.

As for her credentials, I'll let her "body of evidence" speak for itself. When you alienate half of your own party, are unable ON 3 DIFFERENT OCCASIONS to say what a VP's role is, when you cannot answer basic policy questions, when you cannot name basic concepts of American government and history, when you claim to somehow be important in foreign policy because of your Russian neighbor then have become a pathetic candidate.

As for boning up on policy, she needs a lot more work than that. Will "boning up" help convince her that witches are not real? I guess I worry when the only credentials she has going for her are her old policies and ability to control the wolf pack!

If conservatives want to continue following the same old patterns by nominating Palin in 2012, then they might as well hand Obama a second term.

Deb's Big Hunk said...

Wait a second! Witches aren't real? Good luck explaining that to my three year old. :) Actually, that might not be a bad idea... That may be the reason why she runs into our room every night at 2:00am.

Well, I think I know now how to fix that problem now.

Okay, okay, back to S. Palin...okay, I'll concede, maybe not ideal V.P. candidate for now/then. But not Stupid. And yes, some refresher courses in history and governmental policies would do her good. But if you have ever watched the "Jay Walk" part of the Leno show, you realize that University professors can look (or maybe actually are in fact) ignorant when it comes to questions like "Who's buried in Grant's tomb?". Or on one account a history professor was asked "Who did we fight in WWII?", and they came up with answers like "the French" (I wish!).

I'm not following you on the 50% alienation part here. You'll have to explain.

Jenn said...

VP is not the "only" blanket we have for Commander in Chief #1. If the VP is unable to do the job it goes to the speaker of the house, then the senate, then the sec of state. We have many layers of the "blanket".

Frankly, I could care less about a president knowing basic American history. Who the heck cares who is buried in Grant's tomb? Or who the 23rd President of the US was? How will that possibly be relevant to the presidency? And if it is, then you probably have people under you who know that.

I think we desperately need someone with plain old common sense in any position in government!! It would seem that absolutely no one in office has any of it.

As for credentials, Barack Obama didn't have any either...and I bet he intelligence is about as high as Palin's, he's just a better orator.

Brad Hart said...

Jenn writes:

"VP is not the "only" blanket we have for Commander in Chief #1. If the VP is unable to do the job it goes to the speaker of the house, then the senate, then the sec of state. We have many layers of the "blanket"

Yes, there is a chain of command, however, the V.P. was specifically created to be a security blanket and nothing else.

Jen then writes:

"Frankly, I could care less about a president knowing basic American history. Who the heck cares who is buried in Grant's tomb? Or who the 23rd President of the US was? How will that possibly be relevant to the presidency? And if it is, then you probably have people under you who know that."

Are you serious? Please tell me that you are kidding here. I could not disagree more with you. It is presidents with a lack of government, history, etc. that get us into the most trouble.

Jen then writes:

"I think we desperately need someone with plain old common sense in any position in government!! It would seem that absolutely no one in office has any of it"

This idea that "good ol' fashioned common sense" is somehow vested in the lives of simple "Joe Sixpacks" or "Joe the Plummers" is beyond ridiculous. Since when did the "good ol' folks" of America become the salt of the Earth? Are you telling me that we should seek for "good ol' fashioned country boy/girl ideas" over an actual education?

My guess is that you would never go to a "good ol' fashioned" doctor if you needed surgery. Instead, you would probably want as ELITE of a doctor as possible, which is why people like Rich spend so many years in Med School.

This anti-elitist stuff is wrong. Go back a few hundred years. Our founding fathers...were they "good ol' fashioned country boys" with common sense or were they the cream of the crop...i.e. ELITE?

I'm not saying that politics need to be elitist, but I am saying that the "dumbing down" of the Republican Party to embrace "Joe Sixpack," "Joe the Plummer" and the other average Joes is foolish. The greatest leaders are not those who pander to the simplicity or stupidity of the masses, but instead promote and motivate us to be better than we are. Ronald Reagan, Dwight Eisenhower, etc. all insisted that Americans become ELITIST in their thought and action (elitist in this sense meaning the cream of the crop).

Simply put, Sarah Palin does not fit this mold. She caters to the common Joe, insisting that to be simple-minded or ignorant of important issues, facts, and history is somehow a good thing. I for one will have none of it, which is why I want the Republicans to promote an ELITIST (again, cream of the crop) candidate like Jindall or Romney.

Brad Hart said...

Let me say just a bit more on what I mean by ELITE.

For too long, the Republican Party has tried to portray elitism with being a secular liberal. You've all heard Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, etc. rant and rave about how evil colleges are, and how students are literally brainwashed into becoming foot soldiers for the Democratic Party.

This just isn't true.

For example, a 2007 study of college organizations/clubs revealed that Republican/conservative student organizations outnumber the liberal ones 2/1. In addition, most students in post graduate study programs (i.e. law school, med school, grad school) tend to be conservative rather than liberal in their politics.

Sorry, but your "doomsday" tactics are not true Mr. Hannity.

So, when we talk of being an ELITE (I’m sure most conservatives are already conditioned to shutter at the very mention of such a word) we are NOT talking liberal. We must understand this simple mathematical formula:

Elitism = liberalism IS FALSE!!!

The other thing Republicans get wrong is when they associate ELITISM with being EXCLUSIVE. Again, this isn't so. Being ELITE does not automatically mean that one is somehow in an EXCLUSIVE club.

Now to the meat of what I am trying to say. ELITISM, despite its cultural myths amongst conservatives today, is a VERY GOOD THING! For example:

-Tiger Woods is an ELITE golfer.
-The General Authorities are ELITE members of the church.
-Albert Einstein was an ELITE scientist.
-The Founding Fathers were ELITE statesmen.
-Neil Armstrong was an ELITE astronaut/pilot.
-God is an ELITE being.

Again, it is time for conservatives to eradicate this obsession with "Joe Sixpack" and the glorification of being a simple-minded citizen. I fail to understand how this mindset is compatible with being a good citizen. As Thomas Jefferson stated:

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

And then there are the words of Benjamin Franklin:

"Passion governs, and she never governs wisely, which is why the lazy minds of the masses must be conditioned to remain constantly in a state of vigor, thus preventing the rise of uninformed leaders."

Instead of being the party of simple-minded, redneck, Bible thumping hypocrites, I long for the day that the Republican Party will return to the ELITIST agenda of being the party of fiscal conservatism, cutting-edge political theory, and intellectual competition. If and when the Republicans can return to this type of an agenda (an ELITIST agenda to be sure) they will be equipped to capture the hearts and minds of the overwhelming majority of Americans.

In summary:

Elitism = liberalism: FALSE

Elitism = Cream of the crop: TRUE!

Lisa said...

Yes - I think she is stupid. She got married because she was pg (she said so herself on Larry King lice when she said she was married then 7 MONTHS later her first son was born and now she has a house husband running her family because she puts her own ambitions ahead of her family. Example: her teen daughter got knocked up. (Following in Mommy's footsteps no doubt.) What makes me laugh is that she stands on the moral high ground with conservatives in order to win over the okey-dokes and yet she doesn’t practice what she preaches. I love the double sided-ness (is that a word?) of some people. If she was a Democrat, ladies in our church ould be crying out about her liberal ways of pg-c out of wedlock, abandoning her family for political gain, her fall on your face interviews. But alas, she was on the republican ticket so it's ok. Just as the man who cheated on his devoted wife who was true to him his entire captivity with several affairs and got a divorce, he was the right man morally for most of the members in my ward. When Mitt Romney was running, Mormons were shouting that religion shoul not play a part in politics, then, it was the main focus wen he didn't make it. Honestly, it is tiring to try and keep up with the "conservative" double standard. Palin may be smarter than I am (which is not hard), but she is still stupid. She has made VERY stupid life, family and career choices. Richard, please don't tell my kids I said the "st" word or I will get a huge time out. :)

Jenn said...

I knew that'd get you going Brad. If the "good ol' people" aren't the salt of the earth, who is? I'll comment on the rest later.

Lisa said...

Here is a video of Sarah being stupid AGAIN...

Brad Hart said...

Who are the "salt" Jenn? I think Jesus answered that one. Anyone can be the "salt of the earth"...even the dreaded ELITISTS!!! However, being a "good ol' fashioned American Republican" doesn't automatically grant you that title.

Jenn said...

Brad, I don't care who is an "ELITIST" and who isn't. We need someone who has financial common sense and that is not swayed by power and politics. Is that too much to ask? If they come in elitist form or not.

Stupid is a very strong word...I wouldn't say Sarah Palin is stupid.

Brad Hart said...

Well, if you are wanting someone with financial "smarts" then Sarah Palin is not the person. Alaska has the 3rd largest per capita debt of any state in America. Also, this notion that she is for less government intervention/spending is ridiculous. Of all the states in America, Alaska BY FAR receives the most government aid. Also, under Palin's tenure, government spending has actually doubled.

Stupid may be a strong word, but I am sticking with it. She is a serious danger.

Brad Hart said...

Lisa writes:

"If she was a Democrat, ladies in our church ould be crying out about her liberal ways of pg-c out of wedlock, abandoning her family for political gain, her fall on your face interviews. But alas, she was on the republican ticket so it's ok. Just as the man who cheated on his devoted wife who was true to him his entire captivity with several affairs and got a divorce, he was the right man morally for most of the members in my ward. When Mitt Romney was running, Mormons were shouting that religion shoul not play a part in politics, then, it was the main focus wen he didn't make it. Honestly, it is tiring to try and keep up with the "conservative" double standard."

You are 100% right.